Open Show n' Tell 2016

Jack Herer (top left), Winter indoor sunshine (top right), Dwarf Low Flyer (bottom left) and Candy Cane (bottom right)

Funny how the CC & DLF have stretched so much, and the JH has not....all 3 have pre-flowers so it should be a great summer grow

not anticipating much yield from the winter sunshine grow, as the buds are fluffy....but what can one expect from a Canadian winter sunshine grow
There was a gentlemen ( indian) at the Dec Bbq that made a walking stick out of a branch . He had some trinkets and some wraps and varnish and such on it . Very neat .
I need to make one for jj.
yup I remember just who you are talking about he made a real nice walking stick I was looking at it and talking to him about it
That was Rick, my helper. He has lots of time on his hands and does all sorts of crafts. Here's a picture of the stalks he used for that project.
Larry Trimmers 012.JPG
I have my last two seasons stalks all in my bird aviary for the birds to use but theres none in there thick enough to make walking sticks out of...i did look at them the other day and wonder if i could have made anything out of them but im not a real crafty hands on person.