A Cannabinerd's Journey


Well-Known Member
Daaaamn, looking fat as always brother, that animal looks dense, as does the mendo!! I love the kitchen sink grow too, lots of good variety in there :)
The animal is sooooooo dense it's crazy! The buds are much smaller than I'm used to but I think it makes up for it in the density department :) shouldn't be any leaf to trim come harvest time (I hope lol)


Well-Known Member
I wish I knew, @fandango might know. I do know that when I read the rules for recreational mj in cali when the law is passed, the grower can not sell it at all, it will need to go to a vendor and then the vendor needs to sell it to the dispensaries. Soooo much middle men will be involved. You'll need separate license to grow, transport, vend and sell, and I'm pretty sure you can only have 1 license, maybe 2
Not sure on all the rules the board is laying out at this time,but to qualify for this emergency ordinace you need time stamped photos to prove you are a current grower in Calaveras.


Well-Known Member

Anything on the table to cover the roots or just let them go? I know you used hydroto but it turned into a mess
I'd advice just filling the extra space with empty pots, just to keep most of the light off the tray, once they get a decent size the canopy will keep the light out. I guess it's not needed, but it can lead to issues sometimes, mainly the light hits the roots and can stunt the root which opens up a door for root rot which I just try to avoid as much as possible


Well-Known Member
Look at an area called Mountain Ranch,it is about 1 hour from the 99 fwy and exit hwy 12
I'm out by chico, trying to find something within a 45 mile radius once my fiance works in Chico. I did talk to her about the possibility of transferring to a different town in a couple years though and she's up for it. I figure we will have to go wherever the new laws takes us because I don't foresee butte County having much of anything going on when the laws do change :( love this county other than its dumb current laws though


Well-Known Member
Here's some baby root porn! During my experiments , I think I found a great way to transplant the macro plugs into the rw blocks. So far I've tried filling the gap with rockwool mini cubes, some organic soil and just pressing the seams closed around the plug to cover the hole. It looks like the organic dirt is the winner :) it seems to give them a boost after transplant as well!

Here's a pic of the gap I'm talking about that needs to be filled or closed off. Makes no sense that they make these plugs that don't fit better into the rockwool blocks haharps20160509_212554.jpg rps20160509_212304.jpg rps20160509_212253.jpg rps20160509_212238.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm out by chico, trying to find something within a 45 mile radius once my fiance works in Chico. I did talk to her about the possibility of transferring to a different town in a couple years though and she's up for it. I figure we will have to go wherever the new laws takes us because I don't foresee butte County having much of anything going on when the laws do change :( love this county other than its dumb current laws though
That be a long way north of us...154 miles


Well-Known Member
For real brother!! It's damn comical, but much more irritating! Like, how the hell do people like that even exist ugh. No skin off my back as they say, I know he's just full of it and hasn't a clue of the true real world, that's for sure
Fucking waste of oxygen for real. I'll be honest, it fucking pisses in my cheerios that some people are like that....what the fuck


Well-Known Member
I am trying to get to 49, just need supplies :)
Hell yeah bro! That would be killer too!!! Shit I got 6 planted for now for outdoor lol, we just put another offer back on on the house that reminds me of a castle :) I figure it can't hurt, there isn't anything else on the market anyway. even tho we haven't found a place yet I'm getting prepared :D

Fucking waste of oxygen for real. I'll be honest, it fucking pisses in my cheerios that some people are like that....what the fuck
You're telling me bro, I have never come across a person that flip flops more than hillary Clinton, it's like a watching a Trainwreck. It pisses me off too, but I know he's either joking or mentally dillsuional, there's no other option that's for sure


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah bro! That would be killer too!!! Shit I got 6 planted for now for outdoor lol, we just put another offer back on on the house that reminds me of a castle :) I figure it can't hurt, there isn't anything else on the market anyway. even tho we haven't found a place yet I'm getting prepared :D
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You're telling me bro, I have never come across a person that flip flops more than hillary Clinton, it's like a watching a Trainwreck. It pisses me off too, but I know he's either joking or mentally dillsuional, there's no other option that's for sure
Who is this waste of space? Can I troll him? Ha ha


Well-Known Member
Who is this waste of space? Can I troll him? Ha ha
No worries brother. Just some douche bag that I usually ignore. He was saying that because I've been on social security disability for 2 years I'm basically a piece of shit.. Even though I'm working to get off from it as soon as I can and the doctor gives me the ok on it. It's funny because usually he's all for welfare, except since mine isn't really welfare, its social security (which we pay into every week in taxes, which pays for when or if we get old or get seriously injured) so it's basically the money I paid in while working, I get back now because I'm injured.. I don't get that guy at all. He thinks it's OK for illegal immigrants to get welfare, but it's not OK for me to collect my taxed income back when I'm injured smh . Oh and also he will twist any words you say and create a crazy sentence that isn't even close to the truth. Then you prove him wrong on every single thing he said, then he twists more words around, it's psychotic.

Oh, and the funny thing is, he is 100% politically correct and a Democrat. Which makes zero sense on this whole subject lol