How bad is the smell?


Well-Known Member
I live in an apartment complex on the bottom floor, and there is an air conditioning vent in my grow room. Do I need to duct tape that vent? Will duct tape be enough?

I only plan on growing 2-4 plants just for my own personal use, nothing huge. I read an article on building an activated charcoal filter, will one small filter be enough to control the smell? Is my whole apartment going to smell like it? Will the smell seep through painted walls?

While on topic, I don't have any way to ventilate my grow room closet yet. I cannot run any ducts or put holes in the walls or doors. I need a way to cool the room and control the smell inside of my closet. My only light is a 150w HPS hanging light. I'm open to suggestions!

Lastly on topic of the light, will a HPS light suffice for the entire grow cycle start to finish, or should I get my hands on some CFL for the veg stage?

good ol' boy

Well-Known Member
You could use cardboard to or something for the door to your grow room that way you could cut holes it it to run ducts and put in a filter, or you could get an air filter like a heppa filter. hope that helps


Well-Known Member
I once grew in the bathroom and used the fan to just keep on and for night i had a green light to see while flowering, it wasnt the only bathroom tho so it was not inconvinent to go out to the one in the hall


Well-Known Member
really depends on the strain, but i would suggest a carbon filter if you are worried, but it can get quite bad. i paid $62 on ebay for mine with shipping and it works great


Well-Known Member
If you are growing the strain that is called marijuana its going to stink. As in pew.As in skunk.


Well-Known Member
its gonna smell...a lot...use anything to help the smell...air freshener, dryer sheets. theres a thread here by panhead, and he has a good way of making super cheap carbon filters... all u have to do to use those is use cardboard like someone above me said...make like a little grow space and surround it with cardboard. then pick a spot...anywhere really...and cut a hole in the cardboard...put a fan *inside* the grow room...blowing air out of your grow space...and put the carbon filter on the *outside* of the grow room covering the hole you cut. so that when the fan blows the air out of your growspace it will blow thru the carbon filter and into the rest of the room...that should cut down on the smell.


Well-Known Member
oh and i totally forgot ona...u can buy ona blocks...or ona gel...i hear they work pretty well too.


Well-Known Member
Alright well it's in a closet about 5x5, what strength of carbon filter would I need to completely contain the smell in that room? Basically I can't have the smell leaking in to even the next room.


Well-Known Member
A little one will work good. There are a few different kinds. Check them out and see what is best for your set up. I like the can type. It sits on the floor or ya can mount it in the room.