What did you accomplish today?

We make more out of our bay area UBC locals compared to LA.

Did you make 17/hr back in'74 by doing peacework or something? Because I was just thinking about that. That was allot back then. Awesome dude
There were days I made $17 an hour in '74...$5 something was job class 1 base rate but if you got on an incentive job in a steel mill with an old time operator...you could clean house big time...I loved those old guys on paydays.
My older brother is a union plumber. He was working down south for quite a while, and he told me what the union nailbangers on his job were saying they made, and it was embarassing.
we got a plumbers union out here ive been thinking about joining.. but honestly, i really dont know the benefits from it but they keep sending me mail asking me to contact em.. i work for me basically, no employees or anything. my dad got me into when i was kid and i learned from him and did my apprenticeship through a company he worked for.. took some time off and went to school for welding.. did that for a couple years.. moved to florida and drank a lot, came back and got my journeyman lol and my dad helped me out getting me hooked up with contractors and customers hes tired of working for.. but i got insurance and all.. got an IRA set up and am really steady with work. whats the bonus of union work?

The front tall building is the original city hall, the big one right in back of it is where I worked
we got a plumbers union out here ive been thinking about joining.. but honestly, i really dont know the benefits from it but they keep sending me mail asking me to contact em.. i work for me basically, no employees or anything. my dad got me into when i was kid and i learned from him and did my apprenticeship through a company he worked for.. took some time off and went to school for welding.. did that for a couple years.. moved to florida and drank a lot, came back and got my journeyman lol and my dad helped me out getting me hooked up with contractors and customers hes tired of working for.. but i got insurance and all.. got an IRA set up and am really steady with work. whats the bonus of union work?
Well for starters, we usually get paid more. Might not just be on your check, but money put away for retirement.
Well for starters, we usually get paid more. Might not just be on your check, but money put away for retirement.
thanks for the info.. i use a pretty good accountant who hasnt really steered me wrong yet though, hes the one who hooked me up with the IRA and said to stick with it so thats what ive been doing. maybe i better do a little research on the unions subject.. i know a lot of pipe fitters who stand by it.. but im just worry that they'll try to cut into my thing.. lock me down on price and stuff type deal
Been battling a tooth ache the last couple of days so I haven't got much accomplished but I did pick up the pig from butcher and ground up the rest of the hamburger.

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Go to the local pharmacy and get some Oil of Cloves. The Eugonol is a great dental anesthetic. Put some on a Q-Tip and hold to the gum line of the aching tooth (do not hold there all that long take it off and reapply, it can burn your skin and create blistering with extended contact). The taste may make you retch but it will halt the dental pain.
Go to the local pharmacy and get some Oil of Cloves. The Eugonol is a great dental anesthetic. Put some on a Q-Tip and hold to the gum line of the aching tooth (do not hold there all that long take it off and reapply, it can burn your skin and create blistering with extended contact). The taste may make you retch but it will halt the dental pain.
i had an infected abcess.. only thing that helped was penicillin.. tooth pain is the worst thing ever.. i tried all those home remedies.. getting hammered drunk helped it out though for a bit.. but i hit the point when i was up for a few days in pain and went to the ER.. got penicillin then never got a root canal like an idiot. my face swelled up like 3 more times.. had to get it ripped out
i had an infected abcess.. only thing that helped was penicillin.. tooth pain is the worst thing ever.. i tried all those home remedies.. getting hammered drunk helped it out though for a bit.. but i hit the point when i was up for a few days in pain and went to the ER.. got penicillin then never got a root canal like an idiot. my face swelled up like 3 more times.. had to get it ripped out
there's something to it...my dentist used it during a root canal