PPM on TDS Meter


Hi just topped up my reservoir and added the GH Nutrients I’m just wondering what the PPM on the TDS should read mines reading 1300 (130 on the display times 10), and if it’s high how do I knock it down. Also what would be out come if it is high?


Well-Known Member
1300 way too high. I tend to get the same pull from a constant 600ppm all the way through veg and flower as I would with a high ppm. You push too hard and you will have to deal with N lockout and a plethera of other problems. Let the ph scale through 5.9- 6-4 ish also. People love to play Mad scientist with their rez, and it usually winds up creating more problems than good pulls.


Well-Known Member
1300 way too high. I tend to get the same pull from a constant 600ppm all the way through veg and flower as I would with a high ppm. You push too hard and you will have to deal with N lockout and a plethera of other problems. Let the ph scale through 5.9- 6-4 ish also. People love to play Mad scientist with their rez, and it usually winds up creating more problems than good pulls.
^^^uhhhhhh, ya, exactly what he said. :clap:


Ok that I didn't know 1st time trying hydro and just followed GH flow chart so looks like I should only use half amounts of what the say, so how do I knock it down apart from draining and starting over?

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
1300ppms? Are you using reverse osmosis/distilled water? That's a tad bit high, especially since General Hydroponics doesn't really have that strong nutrients. I'm usually at 630ppms throughout the grow using the three part series.