Jacks for Dummies

Potassium Sulfate !!!!

elemental sulfur BAD
Noticed Jacks Tomato mix has a similar NPK mix as the Aquagold albeit a little more N. It talks about additional Ca which might be nice, but do you have any opinion on it?? And any idea on its sulphur content?
Noticed Jacks Tomato mix has a similar NPK mix as the Aquagold albeit a little more N. It talks about additional Ca which might be nice, but do you have any opinion on it?? And any idea on its sulphur content?
Seems I heard there was no sulfur in it from somebody, but I never checked?
the extra Cal would be a tomato thing, I use Calcium Sulfate (gypsum) on my maters
I've been using jacks for gust over a year it's so easy just read the plants they will tell you what they want/need
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What's the advantage of using the Tomato FeED or the Citrus FeED over the Dynamic Duo? My vegetable garden has really gone nuts this season since I've switched to Jack's. Is there more sulfur in the Tomato and Citrus stuff compared to the Duo?

I'm in the process of switching to soil inside. Once I've made the conversion, I'm going to do a side-by-side between Dynagro and Jack's duo.
What's the advantage of using the Tomato FeED or the Citrus FeED over the Dynamic Duo? My vegetable garden has really gone nuts this season since I've switched to Jack's. Is there more sulfur in the Tomato and Citrus stuff compared to the Duo?

I'm in the process of switching to soil inside. Once I've made the conversion, I'm going to do a side-by-side between Dynagro and Jack's duo.
They are more balanced for MJ, the citrus has sulfur which is why I use it
When I got it it was sold in Colorado only, that was right after we legalized recreational
Weird. Maybe I'll be able to order it from this site.

But I am super impressed with the duo over the Dynagro in the garden. I had impressive broccoli last year, but it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more impressive this year.
I use Citrus for veg and Aquagold Finisher for flower, it is a nute they designed for MJ, they don't advertise it, you have to ask for it
Ms. Snyder at JRP mentioned that the Aquagold will be coming out in the tubs. Would take a 26lb bag if the shipping did not double the price.

I have been going the whole way with the citrus with good results. Looking for great.

The current... 49/70 days
This was the place I checked too and with shipping it was $60.

Also for clarity...I asked @RM3 about the Jack's Tomato mix but I know nobody who uses it for MJ...obviously some better options.
There is a guy at my site usin the tomato feed, he just got it though