getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

Primadonna boy wound up getting married with four kids, went to beauty school and is one of the better hairdressers, lmfao, in all of Nashville. Makes a ton of dough I reckon.
Hell that night he had his long hair flowing like Fabio, wearing shorts and flops to plant weed in the bush? I'm like dude, guess you didn't plan on doing any of the shoveling huh? If push had come to shove though I'd have really hated to fuck with old boy. He was built like a tank and was not one bit skeered, lol, to bust somebody right in the eye. Seen it and didn't really want to experience it lol.

Sorry for hijacking Getaway's thread lol. He's gonna wake up like wtf. I honestly forgot and thought we were still on your's @Vnsmkr lol. Sorry man.
Man I've got a story about weed and bugging out lol. I lived in these quadplex apt rentals in the late 90s and there were like a 100 of these going up at the time. I walked across a field behind all these units on the edge of town to a nice blackberry thicket one evening right at dark carrying a plant and shovel with my grow partner at the time. While I'm digging a hole my buddy says, "check out those two weird lights bouncing up and down across that field" and I look up and immediately know wtf is up. It's a damn city police bike patrol hauling ass across the field toward us. There had been a lot of thefts of construction equipment and somebody saw us and called I guess.

Anyway, I'm ready for this shit in jeans and Rocky snake boots, while my primadonna grow buddy is in shorts and flops. I tore through that fucking blackberry/briar thicket like a madman, jumping off a 25 foot straight down creek bank, following the creek a minute and crawling up under an extended bank to hide, hoping there wasn't something meaner than me under there. Those cops were all over that woods, along with a bunch more for two hours, at times standing on the bank a foot above my head. Never did get me, as I laid there the 2 hours until they gave up and then 2 more.

I just knew they had primadonna, but when I finally snaked my way back to my pad, the fucker was on my recliner passed the hell out. He couldn't tear through the briars like me, so he said he grabbed the pot, dove under some bushes a few feet from where we were digging the hole and I was making so much fucking noise tearing through briars, running over saplings in the dark, diving off creek banks and splashing down the creek that they ran right by him and after me. He took off back across the field and walked into my apartment for fucks sake.

Sorry so long winded but man what a thrill lol. Could have lived without all that. We never did find that plant so I assume they must have found where he was hiding.
That's an epic fucking story....lmafao:clap:
Hell that night he had his long hair flowing like Fabio, wearing shorts and flops to plant weed in the bush? I'm like dude, guess you didn't plan on doing any of the shoveling huh? If push had come to shove though I'd have really hated to fuck with old boy. He was built like a tank and was not one bit skeered, lol, to bust somebody right in the eye. Seen it and didn't really want to experience it lol.

Sorry for hijacking Getaway's thread lol. He's gonna wake up like wtf. I honestly forgot and thought we were still on your's @Vnsmkr lol. Sorry man

haha ya was right smidge I just read this and had to go back and see what the hell this was about lol.. Fabio ha anyone wants some butter ??
Not funny that night and while I laid there motionless and freaking out for four hours, primadonna boy is drinking my beer and had smoked 3-4 joints. He was "here's a roach dude" and I'm like give me the fucking sack and stfu, I'm rolling a hog.
I know the feeling,u think they will hear your heart pounding out of ya chest,