For all the growers. What risks do you put up with?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Possible 5+ years prison sentence, losing my GI Bill, refusal of hire from any job, bankruptcy, rogue police assassinating me because they think just because I grow that I must have a fuck ton of weapons and paranoia, family estrangement, and potential suicide.


Well-Known Member
all of what ODG said too....Its an interesting game to play "thinking you're smarter than a whole city full of police" be honest, I've always been lucky, but thats cuz I'm smarter then all them cops!

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Could become world famous if you booby trap your spot! I'm sure there's a Seal or Delta available for hire on Darknet!
Wouldn't need to hire anyone, but I'm not about to prove them right by acting out against them in violence. Otherwise, ANFO, thermite, etc. wouldn't be hard to put together, but I'm not like that. Trying to let go of all anger and hatred.


Well-Known Member
Easier to have an alibi! Not that any of us would ever need an alibi or contract killers....these boards are all hypothetical scenarios and embellishments right? ;)

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Besides. I served my country. I suffered and am suffering for it. I'll take my chances in court, and request a trial by jury. If the People don't hear me, then I'll serve my sentence knowing that I am not the problem. Maybe even petition the governor for a pardon.

If I'm not a clear cut case where MMJ is necessary, all of you are fucked.


Well-Known Member
The world is a very cruel place indeed...I will say Thank you for your service above everything else man..and yes if you feel you need to fix yourself do whatever you need to do homie, you've earned it and for what its worth I have 2 reason to like and respect you now. Making a new friend has to be a solid first stone in the foundation you want to build for yourself. I swear I didn't steal that from a book or greeting card!


Well-Known Member
The world is a very cruel place indeed...I will say Thank you for your service above everything else man..and yes if you feel you need to fix yourself do whatever you need to do homie, you've earned it and for what its worth I have 2 reason to like and respect you now. Making a new friend has to be a solid first stone in the foundation you want to build for yourself. I swear I didn't steal that from a book or greeting card!
Besides. I served my country. I suffered and am suffering for it. I'll take my chances in court, and request a trial by jury. If the People don't hear me, then I'll serve my sentence knowing that I am not the problem. Maybe even petition the governor for a pardon.

If I'm not a clear cut case where MMJ is necessary, all of you are fucked.
Appreciation and respect to you my friend. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Besides. I served my country. I suffered and am suffering for it. I'll take my chances in court, and request a trial by jury. If the People don't hear me, then I'll serve my sentence knowing that I am not the problem. Maybe even petition the governor for a pardon.

If I'm not a clear cut case where MMJ is necessary, all of you are fucked.
unfortunately the goverment doesnt give a fook for people once they served there purpose and unless you are in a county / country that has medical use then it wont make much difference what you did previously and would get treated the same in most cases as anyone else Unfortunately i might add but true