Helllllll yeah, were movin right along!!! ~pics~


Junior Creatologist
Ok guys!
Here we go - all my nute burn problems seem to be fixed, and im movin right along, n so are my babies. Theyre comin along nicely, and i decided to just bust a soil microgrow typa deal, since im gonna setup a closet aeroponic micro when im done with these using clones from one of my fems (if there are any, lol). So heres the skinny - bout 5 weeks old now officially(started my grow on july 26th), and theyre pretty damn bushy. Usin some generic plant food nutes at half strength of 18-18-20, and been usin them for a week, and still no sign of burn whatsoever, except from my previous burn experience. Just started movin them from 20/4 to 12/12 4 days ago, and still no real progress with sexin' or anything, but they stretch every single day, so here n there i tie the branches to my pots so they bend down n then stretch back up towards the lighting, and i do this as needed - no biggee spacewise, i still got plenty.

heres some pics of my three babies:

Heres my big girl, topped her just once, and when shes not tied down n stretched out, shes roughly a foot n 3 inches or so:

side view - things look a little jumbled cuz im not neccesarily tying down with a pattern, just as i see fit:

Still no friggin sign of sex yet, least i dont think so - after 4 days so far of 12/12:

heres the top view of my middle baby, which is actually catchin up pretty fast to my bigger one, fan leaves shootin out everywhere, lol. Topped her once aswell, and also doin the same tie-as-i-please method, which seems to be workin just fine:

Side view, once again, tied however the fuck the plant feels like bein tied at the moment i grab some string :D

Still no god damn sex on this fucker neither! :evil:

N heres my runt. Topped her once, and had a little "incident" where somethin happened, and i wont get into the details, but lets just say the end result was one of my tops got fuckin chopped --TIP: Dont fight with your wife while oogling plants :wall:

here she/he is with her/his legs spread, which is completely beautiful/gross in my personal opinion:

Side view:

Once again, extreme sexless closeup:

N finally, just a couple quickees of the recovery from the nute burn i had from 2 weeks ago. There is one leaf on each plant that still looks fugly, but its not getting any worse, and all of the new veggie growth really just looks tasty to me:

Well, thats it for me for now, lemme know whats runnin through your heads on anything i can do to improve whats happenin on my end. Any thoughts or comments will be absorbed n put to good use. Thanks :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
whoa, thats hella cool how u LSTed that last one.

what strain, and what kinda light?

And i think that a glare Baz.


Junior Creatologist
LMAO, thats me bustin out the magnifying glass over my cam to get better resolution baz, theres a little circle in the corner of the lens for super magnification, and i guess i just moved it a lil bit right before clickin the pic.

N oden -

Just some regular CFL lamps 100/25 sunlight, n the chronic is just some bagseed from some really skunky skunky middies. Im hopin to do this right n get me some bomb sensi. I talk to them, hug them, whisper sweet nothings in their nodes, ect.. N as far as the LST goes, that smaller one has always been growing wierd, I started tying it up here n there when it was 2 weeks old, right after i topped it. she/he's just been twistin n turnin however he/she feels like it. I aint complainin, lol. - well, cept for the fact that its a runt. Woulda loved for it to have bushed up like the other two.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man, scribed.

oh and what u mean 100/25? uses 25watt but replaces 100watt?and how many?


Well-Known Member
LMAO, thats me bustin out the magnifying glass over my cam to get better resolution baz, theres a little circle in the corner of the lens for super magnification, and i guess i just moved it a lil bit right before clickin the pic.
yea looks great !


Junior Creatologist
yeh their 100 watt - it just says on the cfl 100/25 sunlight, n i got two lamps over the plants, plus one in the ceiling fixture in my closet to eliminate any shadows in my growbox


Well-Known Member
Looking baddddass man,

I love the "tie as I please" method, it seems to be working wonders for you, I was looking into LST and your shit is 100% helping me make up my mind. Good luck on the plants man, I'm almost at the exact same pace as you but with smaller plants give or take a bit... waiting for sex is killing me too bro !! Just keep feeding them love and hope for the best !!

Good LUck on some Ladies,


Junior Creatologist
Thanks guys!!

I actually just changed my setup completely to get ready for flowering. I cleared out my entire top half of my closet, and installed some 48" propagation bulbs (GE Ecolux f40 plant flowering & aquarium lights - 1900 lumens/ft x2), and i kept my original lamps too, just have them on the sides now temporarily until i can spend some more money on fixtures to take them out of the lamp reflectors and just pop them on the walls to get light to the plant bottoms.

Also, i transplanted again, moving them from half-gallon coffee buckets, to 1 1/2 gallon REAL planting pots, lol. I did that shit last night around 9pm, re-tied everything that will eventually turn into a nugget down to the pot (tying anything tall down basically to keep em short), and i just woke up an hour ago, checked them out, and they already turned back up towards the light, and grew a couple more inches to the point where they were touching the lights already, lol - i had to move the lighting up the chain a couple links already. I've had more growth in the last 10 hours than ive had in the last 4 days. No regrets at all.

O yeah, also, just to see what it would do, when i transplanted i used regular soil, mixed with some miracle grow moisture control soil (35% perlite). I sifted out the time release nute balls, and am gonna be using some Colorburst flowering n blooming nutes(24-8-16), as soon as i give them a couple days to settle down, and get used to the new diggs.

So, ill be adding pics here in a couple hours as soon as i get myself woke up and situated. Appreciate the feedback bro, n post me a link to your grow so we can compare over the next few weeks n see what happens :bigjoint: bongsmilie



Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member