bodhi seeds

None of the people i know and or knew went. Not to say they r uneducated. They are self educated. Very well read, well spoken great people. Im sure alot of the guys running houses are educated or in cali, but many old time amazing growers from places like indiana that just never needed the actual degree. And it bums me out MY DAD who basically fostered me cant work here cuz hes quote "unqualified" which is absurd.

Im college educated. So i don't advicate that we arent prevalent or good. Just a college degree for marijuana retail or trimmer or harvester or sumthin is alittle stupid. And college, i hate to say it, doesnt always make the difference.

Also in AZ u need a certificate/card to work but the dispensary pays that, in CO it looks like the unemployed gotta pony up the money to get employed to pay for enforcement, so they dont have to take from the marijuana taxes i guess idk
I agree. It's definitely a bit silly to require a degree for anything mmj related with the exception of lab techs and shit lol.

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Yep, but f2s traditionally will have less variation than f1. And f3 wpuld have slightly less variation. Especially if u reuse males or females in the f2.3.4 back cross
I would disagree. F1 standard variation, F2 prolific variation, F3 completely dependant on whether DOMINANT traits were selected for in F1 and F2.
Not really, if you're using two stable strains the f1s will generally only take on 2-3 phenos. F2s open up the genetic pool pretty wide. By f3 you should be starting to try to cut down on the traits you don't want(still pretty wide variation).

When crossing 2 f1 polys you start so unstable that the f1s will be sort of like f2s from a stable strain, so you have much wider spread of genetics from the first generation. Although, technically when crossing 2 polys the first two generations are technically f1s I think. The first is a random f1 poly cross and if you cross the progeny you have f1s of an ibl. In this case the f2s would probably be more stable than the f1 cross because the genetics started so different across the board. Lol.
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What he said, cept IMO with polys its a crap shoot and I would think like I was working an F2 pool to take to F4 instead of F3 (the extra scrutiny is required) and once again totally dependent on whether traits initially selected for were DOMINANT traits or not.
I believe F3 narrows in diversity because many dominant traits will skip generations if the recessive trait still has a strong presence in the pool. Therefore traits beginning to show dominance in the immediate F1, even if wandering away from that in F2, will pop back up in F3 narrowing the pool.
I would disagree. F1 standard variation, F2 prolific variation, F3 completely dependant on whether DOMINANT traits were selected for in F1 and F2.

What he said, cept IMO with polys its a crap shoot and I would think like I was working an F2 pool to take to F4 instead of F3 (the extra scrutiny is required) and once again totally dependent on whether traits initially selected for were DOMINANT traits or not.
I believe F3 narrows in diversity because many dominant traits will skip generations if the recessive trait still has a strong presence in the pool. Therefore traits beginning to show dominance in the immediate F1, even if wandering away from that in F2, will pop back up in F3 narrowing the pool.
F3 only narrows in diversity if you make it lol. Some of the guys chucking beans are just doing constant open pollination. Which may naturally stabilize some traits like 20 generations down the line lol. Ime the only way strains get more stable/uniform is if you really work to make them that way. Sometimes that means scrapping a generation Which is always sad.

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That's funny because most of the best growers I know are insanely well educated. Degrees in biology, horticulture and chemistry lol. The poorer growers I've seen generally are not crackin haha. Setups all fucked up and jimmy rigged. But definitely the guys I know running houses are college educated.

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What if you ran several ops before college? quite sure I was doing something right ;)
Yep, but f2s traditionally will have less variation than f1. And f3 wpuld have slightly less variation. Especially if u reuse males or females in the f2.3.4 back cross

I missed your post bro sorry :lol: but looks like it was already covered by a few people so no need for me to say anything. I used to think f1 had more variation but it depends on what type of parents tour breeding with ie. true land races, p1 hybrids or mutli polyhybrids.
What if you ran several ops before college? quite sure I was doing something right ;)
I ran and grew on several ops (large and mid sized) before and during college lol. Only personals now, I make more money with less stress doing what I went to college for :).

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I ran and grew on several ops (large and mid sized) before and during college lol. Only personals now, I make more money with less stress doing what I went to college for :).

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I've always been fortunate, I met "that 1 guy that can take anything, anytime!" right when I first started....had to let him marry my sister though...sucker :) I also grow produce and spices for a lot of restaurants...noting that I went to school for, but wish I had!
I've always been fortunate, I met "that 1 guy that can take anything, anytime!" right when I first started....had to let him marry my sister though...sucker :) I also grow produce and spices for a lot of restaurants...noting that I went to school for, but wish I had!
You can always go back to finish. It took me a while haha.

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Just a wild thought, would this be a potentially good practice if starting with a small amount of beans, say 1-2 pac.

Open pollinate F2 and F3 to open up the gene pool and close it back up by narrowing it down while selecting for specific traits in the later generations?
Put me on @kmog33!!! 8) haha

i'm over here with my measly 2400w. I'll feel bigtime when I jump up to 5k haha.
Haha yeah, spent about 6 years messing around working on farms up north and then started up a few ops down in SoCal with a couple different people and several small grows of my own(6-12k watts). Had a dispensary for a year and a half, go robbed at gunpoint for a few pounds, went back to school. Got a decent gig in school and a better one after graduating so I'm kicking it with my tents right now lol. We're looking at moving into a house at the end of the year so I'll get a full room again and probably run 6k watts or so flowering there and a couple for veg.

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Respectable homie! I
Thanks. Yeah I mean I've done some decent sized stuff, but nothing like some of these guys on here. I'd love to have space like papapayne or jj lol. But we all work wth what we've got and I see dudes in 3x3s and 4x4s spit out way more fire than some of the bigger grows on the regular around here. So size isn't everything here.

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