Violent criminals


Well-Known Member
Yeah so last night my brother had his girlfriend over at his new place, they were having a few drinks and the conversation turned a bit hairy he asked her if she had slept with anyone while they were on a break, she told him in honesty that she had so he proceeded shout and swear at her claiming that she was 'the same as all the rest' and then began to beat her around the house he leave her battered and bruised alone with his son and her daughter upstairs asleep. He then ran down to the next town over where his ex girlfriend was shacked up with her new boyfriend and tried to stab them both they had to lock themselves in the bathroom while my bro was stabbing through the door The Shining style they then jumped out of the window to escape and my brother got arrested at some point. So yeah does anyone else have this problem of having a very violent criminal in their family? its fuckin shit cause everywhere i go i get tarred with the same brush even though im not violent at all, aggressive maybe but not violent.


Well-Known Member
Been there, it sucks. All I can tell you is to hold your head up high.
It is no ones job to judge you. You are not your brother.

I wanted to change my last name after my sister n law killed her mother.
When I went to the funeral for my mother n law I wasn't expecting to see
the news there and they treated my family like we did the murder. It was
terrible. This went on for months until she committed suicide.

Hold your head high and know that you are your own person.


Active Member
Hey: Has anyone noticed other than me as to how HOT the Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin......and the First Lady Republican hopeful ARE........Smoking......I'll hereto dub them the Barbarella Twins!!!!!


Active Member
:peace::eyesmoke:The best looking VP canidate(GOV. Sarah Palin) and Firt lady hopeful EVER (Cindy McCain)..............I hereby dub them the Barbarella Twins

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's disrespectful as hell, hijacking someone's thread with nonsense.The OP was trying to relate to people, and you go off and blather about things that should be put in the political section.Hijacking a thread because you babble is one thing, but to totally disregard the original poster's topic and substitute one of your own, especially when its an emotional topic, is rude.-rep.:evil:
:peace::eyesmoke:The best looking VP canidate(GOV. Sarah Palin) and Firt lady hopeful EVER (Cindy McCain)..............I hereby dub them the Barbarella Twins


Well-Known Member
i agree stoney just right outa the blue,no respect
berbomer .hope the girl is ok
at least the kids were sleeping
like buddy said man hold your head high
fuckin women beaters the only thing worse is an animal beater
dont get me started on that


Well-Known Member
i agree stoney just right outa the blue,no respect
berbomer .hope the girl is ok
at least the kids were sleeping
like buddy said man hold your head high
fuckin women beaters the only thing worse is an animal beater
dont get me started on that
Not trying to start anything, but how is beating an animal worse than beating another human being?:peace:


Well-Known Member
Not trying to start anything, but how is beating an animal worse than beating another human being?:peace:
just in the sense that a human knows what is going on and can some what defene
animal does not know and cant defene or tell


Well-Known Member
just in the sense that a human knows what is going on and can some what defene
animal does not know and cant defene or tell
Fair enough. Violence is violence, and sometimes I feel that people over react to animal abuse because the same thing is happening to PEOPLE everyday. But I can see your perspective and that's cool.:peace:


Active Member
haa man bro sorry for disrespect with the guys just takin over the thread and shit lol fuckin stoners but yea man me myself am sumn what on the violent side when im drunk so no more booze for me but i really never hurt my family just other ppl but keep you head up bro


Active Member
:spew:I apologize for this and it will never happen again. Was pretty drunk and never really paid attention to what I was doing. Sorry.:wall: