I was in Bulgaria and got chased by a pack of about 15 wild dogs of varying shapes and sizes, up a very steep hill. They were nipping at my heals and I didn't know if they wanted to eat me or just wanted me out of the territory. I shook them off, kept going forward and eventually found a bar which was still open. On the door of the single unisex toilet there was a "no sucking dick" symbol with a guy standing up and a girl kneeling in front of him and I realized I had arrived in a rough part of town. Being non-white, as I exited the toilet I saw everyone in the bar giving me evil looks, some of the guys had guns on the table and others were holding onto theirs, gesturing as if they were going to shoot me. Luckily I made it out alive but I always look back and think at least I made it to the bar because a bullet in the head would have been better than getting eaten alive by wild dogs.