Rooftop SE Asia

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
I drink beer most nights (ipa or Belgium triple). And if not that then a dram eh thon amber nectar fae the Spey Valley preferably ken.
I do train but I need to sort the beer thing out a tad....I blame my kids.:)
Hey .I used to love the love love.I dont knock it.the army got me addicted.
I have seen so many people give up weed when they hit 45-50.its like a fucking desease!.....Then they get boring.
I gave up booze when i was 48 .i used to miss it.
However.I couldnt combine it with training.
I sort of messed myself up with injuries.I need to keep clean to avoid pain.

I also gave up drinking to improve my relationship with my 17 yo son called me a c--- today.
Sometimes i would love to stick my head in the sand.drinky drink drink.


Well-Known Member
^ thats a pretty good article, but some really good points are made in the comments section by a guy who says he's a breeder


Well-Known Member
Thats why its important to start feeding those cannabinoid receptors early. Dont need to get high, but they need to start intake with juices, unactivated material

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
u havnt had your 14 yr old son come at you with a baseball bat and call you a dog cunt yet? welcome to my world
To be honest I was called many things yesterday.Besides the fact that my PITA has always hated me.
I was trying to rememember a day when he has ever shown affection ,gratitude or respect.
3 weeks ago he fucked my eardrums with a guitar amp.Seriously.

If he come at me with a bbb i would have justification for kicking his ass out the door.
He says hes gonna leave in a couple of months when he is 18.
Unlikely.but probably the best option for everyone.

Im sick of busting my balls for people who dont give a crap.
how did you deal with your PITA?
Did you resolve your problem with third party mediation.Or did you just kick him in the nuts?
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