Rooftop SE Asia

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
Lots of places here like that. I also would look hard at Koh Chang Thailand off the coast of Cambodia. Excellent spot
koh toa in between koh fang yang and koh samui.My spelling is out but,i spent 2 months on this island.i did some work
making a sign for some people that had a nice restaurant and a few tiny bungalows for letting.Thai people.
That was 20 years out of curiousity i looked on the internet.they are still there.the bungalows have gone.they have
cleared the jungle .now theres some shit that looks mega expensive doubt the beach is now crowded with
spoilt westeners yakking on mobile phones.

i thinking of doing some charity work or some shit to get me out of the UK.When i looked into it before.theres a few
organisations that want you to pay them ,so you can work for nothing.

Cheers for the still looking.Im an excellent builder and decorator.i want to get back to work.however theres a plague
of decorators where i live.hoards of laid off shop workers i suspect.


Well-Known Member
Theres quite a few places not catering to Western tourists here that are out in the middle of bumfuck Egypt. Though good luck getting away from cell phones. I worked all over West Africa, India, Russia, Asia Pacific and no matter the situation a cell phone always present. Everyone is connected for the most part, even the far away tribes people are mobiled up


Well-Known Member
koh toa in between koh fang yang and koh samui.My spelling is out but,i spent 2 months on this island.i did some work
making a sign for some people that had a nice restaurant and a few tiny bungalows for letting.Thai people.
That was 20 years out of curiousity i looked on the internet.they are still there.the bungalows have gone.they have
cleared the jungle .now theres some shit that looks mega expensive doubt the beach is now crowded with
spoilt westeners yakking on mobile phones.

i thinking of doing some charity work or some shit to get me out of the UK.When i looked into it before.theres a few
organisations that want you to pay them ,so you can work for nothing.

Cheers for the still looking.Im an excellent builder and decorator.i want to get back to work.however theres a plague
of decorators where i live.hoards of laid off shop workers i suspect.
I know the places you are referring to. That movie "the Beach" attracted all sorts of shit over there, especially the area you are speaking of

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
To be honest I was called many things yesterday.Besides the fact that my PITA has always hated me.
I was trying to rememember a day when he has ever shown affection ,gratitude or respect.
3 weeks ago he fucked my eardrums with a guitar amp.Seriously.

If he come at me with a bbb i would have justification for kicking his ass out the door.
He says hes gonna leave in a couple of months when he is 18.
Unlikely.but probably the best option for everyone.

Im sick of busting my balls for people who dont give a crap.
how did you deal with your PITA?
Did you resolve your problem with third party mediation.Or did you just kick him in the nuts?
hes had his chances..hes not home now and its prob the 6th time hes moved out or been removed...very very long story but hes heading for a second stint in juvenile facility all before 15 so hes building up a steady record of history....he doesn't realize it now but......

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
Theres quite a few places not catering to Western tourists here that are out in the middle of bumfuck Egypt. Though good luck getting away from cell phones. I worked all over West Africa, India, Russia, Asia Pacific and no matter the situation a cell phone always present. Everyone is connected for the most part, even the far away tribes people are mobiled up
I know you are right however,I think they are somewhat overused to the point of being a social pita.texting vs conversation.
mobiles devices are a great way to avoid eye-contact.get on a train in the UK.everyones staring at something that
reminds me of that Sinister Black 2001 a Space Odessey.You know that shape made the apes violent.
so now people are getting more intelligent AND more anti-social.maybe.

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
hes had his chances..hes not home now and its prob the 6th time hes moved out or been removed...very very long story but hes heading for a second stint in juvenile facility all before 15 so hes building up a steady record of history....he doesn't realize it now but......
Sorry to hear that.I hope he sorts himself out.

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
I was thinking.Post Vietnam War UXB clearing in LOAS.I cant imagine its that popular.Probably not for people looking for
something to put on thier CV anyway.:peace:.


Well-Known Member
I know you are right however,I think they are somewhat overused to the point of being a social pita.texting vs conversation.
mobiles devices are a great way to avoid eye-contact.get on a train in the UK.everyones staring at something that
reminds me of that Sinister Black 2001 a Space Odessey.You know that shape made the apes violent.
so now people are getting more intelligent AND more anti-social.maybe.
Im in the same mindset as you. Its dumbing people the fuck down......instead of talking to people face to face most talk to a screen 24/7. Drives me fucking nuts mate


Well-Known Member
I was thinking.Post Vietnam War UXB clearing in LOAS.I cant imagine its that popular.Probably not for people looking for
something to put on thier CV anyway.:peace:.
One of my Aussie mates does some of this in Cambodia and here in VN. Yeah would imagine there is quite a bit in Laos

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
One of my Aussie mates does some of this in Cambodia and here in VN. Yeah would imagine there is quite a bit in Laos
Theres loads of UXBs in loas.The US bombed the Ho Chi Min trail in Loas.You have any contacts.I assume he didnt pay for
the privelidge of removing bombs?


Well-Known Member
Theres loads of UXBs in loas.The US bombed the Ho Chi Min trail in Loas.You have any contacts.I assume he didnt pay for
the privelidge of removing bombs?
No he and a couple of other expats were helping to operate ground penetrating radar with the explosive ordinance crews (govt people). I'll see if I can get hold of him this week before I pass his details on


Well-Known Member
I must be one of the few adults left that doesnt own a mobile whatever.
Chicks always have mobiles.I think it has something to do with the Vibrate Option.o_O
My neighbor had some family stay at her house last night (a dozen almost 20 kids); they all walked at same time this morning when another neighbors Siberian Husky was pissing all over our street, and all on que took their phones out and started making videos, all 12 of them

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
My neighbor had some family stay at her house last night (a dozen almost 20 kids); they all walked at same time this morning when another neighbors Siberian Husky was pissing all over our street, and all on que took their phones out and started making videos, all 12 of them
Thats fucking Awesome.Did they post it on Youtube.?????????????