tripping on bod


Well-Known Member
So this new fancy thing came around, well I dug it out of my stash. Its an analogue of 2cd, its got a benadryl or benzo something with a B attached to the one mishi masha with the other misha mishu masha somewhere so it affects your brain a little different. Some of you more sciency people know what I mean jelly bean.

Others are like what the fuck? Misha mishu whata? Masha.

Anyway I am tripping balls right now. Spell check is my friend right now or you guys would be reading like
Brbgek e sub. Ejhdu. Euuubbe e wlops siivekmdksbww sjhshge. Took a while to peak like 2 hours almost, was feeling it before then obvs anyway I'm tripping pretty good after 5 hours, no signs of slowing down, I hear it's about 12-16 hours, and this shit is smooth son like silk on a newborn I went from 0- tripping balls in 3 hours but then realized I had been tripping nuts for an hour or so. Walls are breathing hardcore, colored bands shimmering everywhere sometimes small flashes of light in my eyes when there is no real flash.

How is everyone else's Tuesday morning?
I totally meant to end the 4 o'clock news at 9, my bad. Dave with the weather ran on for far too long. Gonna be hot. That's all we need Dave.

So I tripped psilohuasca a while ago, during part of this trip, I was thinking really hard about the rc I have. I have every single 2cx except for 2cb, remember this I will come back to it. I have a few dipt and Mipt subbed tryptamines, etc. So during this part of the trip where I was specifically thinking rc and that stuff, the psilohuasca guided me to this bizarre alien landscape, purple water, yellow, green, orange, etc flowers in a field lined up in front of me. All colors, except for red in that field, I got the feeling they represented the 2cx. There were green trees with orange and red and purple leaves, orange, blue and green inflorescence of many difference varieties. Raceme, Single, Composite, Umbel, Spike or compound variants, leafy varieties, leafless varieties. I also saw marijuana, mushrooms, Syrian rue, b. Caapi vines, and a few other earthy (familiar looking) plants. I was told by the psilohuasca that these were plants that could be used for spiritual and entheogenic purposes. Of course a ton of them were really weird looking. The psilohuasca seemed happy or pleased that I had inquired about that, like it was hoping someone would ask and really wanted to tell you the answer.

Ok so no 2cb, why does that matter?
And no red flowers in the field that was told to contain different 2cx?
Ah god damn commercial breaks- we'll be right back, but first here's a commercial

Insert thrilling news theme music here

We interrupt these damn commercials for a thrilling conclusion to the episode in have already bored you on!!!

A little while ago, I was talking to some people about their 2cb experience and my lack thereof.

They mentioned the color red quite often in describing 2cb visuals and trips, like they were drawn to the color red.

So field of no red flowers me with no 2cb, red associated with 2cb...

So insane conspiracy theory? Alien? The CIA? Strange but completely explainable coincidence? Bizarre ramblings of one who has "seen too much" ?

Or could there really be other natural plant life that in other non earth environments are able to naturally and biologically change certain molecules? Could there be a flower that on a different planet contains LSD?

Think about it. When humans "create" new chemicals, such as these research chemicals, they take an already existing in nature chemical/extract whathaveyou and do certain processes which can also happen naturally. There is nothing a human can do, that can't be done by nature, man just speeds the process up quite a bit. And makes sure certain elements are in the correct place for them to bond properly. Take the 2cx series. They are exactly the same shaped molecule, just there is one molecule that is different. It is a noble gas, which has to be at the right conditions to bond, but their chemical bonds are interchangeable, so you can get 2cb, and then switch the one atom to make it 2cc, and so on. Maybe another planet has a bit more argon and a bit less xenon or something and now instead of LSA containing morning glories they have lSM or LSZ or maybe ald 52?
Yo, I'm new to rollitup so please forgive me but a homie just found me a shit ton of mullein and I was wondering if that would work for psilohuasca since it contains harmalas?
the cheap coke we've been abusing is rumored to have bullsalts cut with it llol, maybe thats the garbage what got me on edge
So this new fancy thing came around, well I dug it out of my stash. Its an analogue of 2cd, its got a benadryl or benzo something with a B attached to the one mishi masha with the other misha mishu masha somewhere so it affects your brain a little different. Some of you more sciency people know what I mean jelly bean.

Others are like what the fuck? Misha mishu whata? Masha.

Anyway I am tripping balls right now. Spell check is my friend right now or you guys would be reading like
Brbgek e sub. Ejhdu. Euuubbe e wlops siivekmdksbww sjhshge. Took a while to peak like 2 hours almost, was feeling it before then obvs anyway I'm tripping pretty good after 5 hours, no signs of slowing down, I hear it's about 12-16 hours, and this shit is smooth son like silk on a newborn I went from 0- tripping balls in 3 hours but then realized I had been tripping nuts for an hour or so. Walls are breathing hardcore, colored bands shimmering everywhere sometimes small flashes of light in my eyes when there is no real flash.

How is everyone else's Tuesday morning?
DOB?? The amphetamine analog of 2C-D? I've heard/read that DOB and DOM are good stuff. I've used DOC in the past but did not care for it's long winded nature. 2C-B and 2C-E are among my favorites though.
No. I wrote bod, cause I meant bod. Its an analogue of 2cd.

6apbz and tma 2 and TMA 6 are some varieties I have, I don't care for mdmaz so I have nothing to compare really, but my friends who like molly said any one of those three blow them outta the water
I see, that's definitely more of a rarity than DOB is. I'll have to read it's entry in my copy of PiHKAL as that's one I'm unfamiliar with.