this square 13watt 225 Bulb LED i making this little skunk plant grow nice!


Well-Known Member
so a buddy planted a random seed in some hard dirt just outside his house... it germinated and actually grew up about 5 inches and just sat there in a state of suspended animation... after watching the poor thing just do nothing i decided to give it a better life.

i hit up walmart and grabbed some miracle grow potting soil and grabbed a 2-3 gallon bucket and i transplanted it, and put it under some blue leds that i found on ebay.

after getting it on a strict 18/6 light schedule (after noticing it is a girl) and it is really producing FAT green leaves! it looks healthy as can be. it is rather short (maybe about a foot) after about 3 weeks of good watering it.

extremely healthy is how i would describe the plant now. i don't want to get my hopes up but at this point i think i could turn this slow growing but short and stocky plant into a massive bushy bud maker for the spring. i think if i cropped it right and just keep it looking like it does now that i could create a giant bushy plant that is a freak of nature (to me at least)

any ideas? what is the best way to crop for a big bushy plant?


Well-Known Member
Do you hav any pic for us to look at you can top it as long as there at least 3 nodes on it. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Its a foot tall and you can tell if its a female.... doubt it, the plants still young..


Well-Known Member
i took a picture but i don't know where to upload it to. i am pretty sure its a female i could be wrong


Well-Known Member
Its a foot tall and you can tell if its a female.... doubt it, the plants still young..
Depends on strain. I've had afghans show at like 10" high and sativas that are 6' before showing any hairs. That a very generalized statement to throw out there without knowing anything about the strain.


Well-Known Member
so a buddy planted a random seed in some hard dirt just outside his house... it germinated and actually grew up about 5 inches and just sat there in a state of suspended animation... after watching the poor thing just do nothing i decided to give it a better life.

i hit up walmart and grabbed some miracle grow potting soil and grabbed a 2-3 gallon bucket and i transplanted it, and put it under some blue leds that i found on ebay.

after getting it on a strict 18/6 light schedule (after noticing it is a girl) and it is really producing FAT green leaves! it looks healthy as can be. it is rather short (maybe about a foot) after about 3 weeks of good watering it.

extremely healthy is how i would describe the plant now. i don't want to get my hopes up but at this point i think i could turn this slow growing but short and stocky plant into a massive bushy bud maker for the spring. i think if i cropped it right and just keep it looking like it does now that i could create a giant bushy plant that is a freak of nature (to me at least)

any ideas? what is the best way to crop for a big bushy plant?
Give it a try! Top it, then top it some more and more and more. If you keep it at 18/6 through the winter then it will try to flower when you first put it outside cause the light cycle is close to 12/12 at that time of year! Feed it nutes high in N and low in P & K to hold off the flowering and then nature will take it's course after a month or so. This is sort of what was done in this pic, but not quite started that long before spring. These were started in Jan/Feb and put out in April. This was taken August 1st-they are 3 feet taller now and budding like crazy.



Well-Known Member
to upload your pic click reply then click the manage attachments button and there will be the place to browe for you pics on your comp and upload them.


Well-Known Member

it looks a lot like this one. it is really starting to thicken up and each set of leaves are wider than the previous and super healthy