Donald Trump

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Its ironic how buck talks about the importance of schooling yet on other hand support Clinton's over trump .. lets see here how they screwed the system and aimed at screwing our future children with debt
The two major acts that the Clintons did perpetrate, which have set in motion our greatest crisis were (1) they repealed Glass-Steagall allowing banks to go nuts and return to proprietary trading of the 1920s at the direction of Robert Rubin of Goldman Sachs, and (2) they gave the banks absolute dominion over students by removing their right to declare bankruptcy on what they owe the bankers. No other class of debt has such an exception. And Hillary pretends to care about the people? Come on. She and Bill have done more for the bankers than any Republican ever did. Furthermore, ANY press that refuses to tell this truth is by no means FREE, but bought and paid for all the way.

It was the Clinton Administration that aided the bankers for on October 7, 1998, when President Clinton signed theHigher Education Amendmentsof 1998 (the 1998 HEA), which provided federal funding for education loans at a reduced rate of interest. However, Clinton sneaked in the 1998 HEA two specific changes regarding the collection of student loans that is a brewing part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis today for students cannot discharge student loans in bankruptcy and 65% cannot find a job in what they paid for. This has funded WORTHLESS education at outrageous prices creating a welfare system for academics to propagate stuff like global warming to screw us with even more taxes, and then bankers can lend money to students and turn them into economic slaves for life.ddhh2.jpg


Well-Known Member
I guess the letter I got from my provider was lying then. Ya right. nitro
You still have a provider though. You still have access though. You are stuck with higher premiums because the GOP congress reneged on the contracts. The US is getting sued for that money. And they will lose because there was a contract. GOP has a shitty idea of how to operate a government. Its a good thing that they will be turned out next fall. Thanks to Trump's debacle.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You still have a provider though. You still have access though. You are stuck with higher premiums because the GOP congress reneged on the contracts. The US is getting sued for that money. And they will lose because there was a contract. GOP has a shitty idea of how to operate a government. Its a good thing that they will be turned out next fall. Thanks to Trump's debacle.
We will never agree on how great the ACA has or has not been. All I know is I had better and cheaper health care before all of this Obama crap. nitro


Well-Known Member
You still have a provider though. You still have access though. You are stuck with higher premiums because the GOP congress reneged on the contracts. The US is getting sued for that money. And they will lose because there was a contract. GOP has a shitty idea of how to operate a government. Its a good thing that they will be turned out next fall. Thanks to Trump's debacle.
Hold up, we're talking about the GOP now? I've got this exclusive pic from a covert meeting:

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