What is your Heritage?


Well-Known Member
I stayed at a guys house called DannyBoy in Mexico. He was an engineer, but he spoke no English. He knew the English words to songs though, and mainly sang Bob Marley songs while I was there.


Well-Known Member
Did you know almost everyone in the world knows who Bob Marley and Scooby Doo are? And the Peace Sign, they are completely international at this point.


Well-Known Member
Look on ancestry.com.
$99 bucks, they send you a kit. You spit in a vial and send it to them. Took about 1month to get the results;-)
It's run by Mormons to collect data so they can convert you post death. From what I understand they have been collecting data for decades, near a NSA level.


Well-Known Member
It's run by Mormons to collect data so they can convert you post death. From what I understand they have been collecting data for decades, near a NSA level.
The Mormon Religious diligence about this stuff is why we all have Birth Certificates now (plus the 14th Amendment, everyone is a US Citizen, etc) but before everyone just wrote down birthdays in the back of a Bible or something.
And they do Baptize dead people. They make lists and recite them in a ritual where someone or some item symbolizes the dead person.


Well-Known Member
And when I say these things people are going to say I am a conspiracy theorist, but if these are conspiracies, they aren't theories, they can all be proven by historical records written by the people themselves. And I personally don't consider them conspiracies, they are just parts of History.

The United States Government is based on the Masonic Temple Structure (Read the Papers of Benjamin Franklin), the Grand Master Mason is elected, the goal of the Masons is to make everyone equal, that is why they dress the same, so no one knows who makes what amount of money. The metaphor is that there is a wall with one brick missing in a random spot, and you are being shaped to fit in that spot.
In the Franklin Papers there is a quote from another book, then Benjamin Franklin expands on it. The quote Paraphrased says: Abraham was not Lord Abraham Baron of Cannan, nor was there a Queen Sarah. It was not Princess Mary, they were all simple animal grazers living their lives.
Then Benjamin Franklin goes on to say about the quote: No man is born with a Title, and should not be given one that the people did not vote to give him.

And all the Symbols on the back of the Dollar, those come from Nicholas Roerich, and there are entire museums dedicated to Nicholas Roerich, but it is all kept somewhat of a secret.They believed he had like the Holy Grail or the Sorcerer's Stone or something, but he was a real person and he is still considered like really important to groups like the Masons.


Well-Known Member
And the reason the Christians call the Freemasons Satanic is because they take you in a room, and you can't have any metal items: Coins, Necklaces, and what gets a lot of Christians is the Wedding Ring, and that puts up red flags for the Christians. Then they make you swear that you have a Higher Power, but it does not have to be Jesus, you can be Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Pagan, or even Alcoholics Anonymous. And according to Christians, anything that is not Jesus is...


Well-Known Member
The Mormon Religious diligence about this stuff is why we all have Birth Certificates now (plus the 14th Amendment, everyone is a US Citizen, etc) but before everyone just wrote down birthdays in the back of a Bible or something.
And they do Baptize dead people. They make lists and recite them in a ritual where someone or some item symbolizes the dead person.
Proxy baptismal after death without consent..that's really fucked up. I'm no fan of organized religion in any forms. It's all controlled by people and people always have personal motives. Be personally spiritual, but be critical. There's something more to life than we understand, something I think we knew in our past, but lost. Idk if it's spiritual, energy based, inter dimensional, extraterrestrial or any combination of the above, or something we have no comprehension of.


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm English, Irish, Italian and Lithuanian, that I know of. I can only go back 4 generations. I'm a mutt. I used to care about my heritage when I was young, then I realized it was just another division between people. To many people take it WAYYYYYYY too seriously. Some people get heated if you say something about a country of their heritage, even when no one in thier family had been back in generations.


Well-Known Member
And the reason the Christians call the Freemasons Satanic is because they take you in a room, and you can't have any metal items: Coins, Necklaces, and what gets a lot of Christians is the Wedding Ring, and that puts up red flags for the Christians. Then they make you swear that you have a Higher Power, but it does not have to be Jesus, you can be Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Pagan, or even Alcoholics Anonymous. And according to Christians, anything that is not Jesus is...


Well-Known Member
Proxy baptismal after death without consent..that's really fucked up. I'm no fan of organized religion in any forms. It's all controlled by people and people always have personal motives. Be personally spiritual, but be critical. There's something more to life than we understand, something I think we knew in our past, but lost. Idk if it's spiritual, energy based, inter dimensional, extraterrestrial or any combination of the above, or something we have no comprehension of.
It's the Sky (Sun, Moon, Stars, Clouds, Rain, Weather) and the Ocean and the Ground, the Brain and the Heart and their reaction to plants. And other life on Earth.

You have probably heard of Birth stones, each month is related to a Gem and a Constellation. Then each Planet is related to a metal. This may seem pointless to someone today, but in the past it was extremely helpful in the creation of Metal Alloys, which then let us discover Steel. They would mix different Metals together to in alignment with Planetary correlation, and created Alloys. A lot of people thought they could use this to turn other metals in to Gold, but wjat they did was create things like White Gold and Sterling Silver. The Planets are also where we get our days of the week. This is known as "The Ogdoad" and it has been around since Ancient Egypt. Months come from the Moon calendar, and each "Moonth" has about 1 full moon Cycle. Some people like to make the claim "The Planets are named after Gods, the Gods are not named for the Planets" and that would make a lot of sense if each culture discovered the Planets on their own, but we know that the Egyptians created the Ogdoad, passed it down to the Greeks, then the Greeks passed their Gods to the Romans, then the Romans passed it to the Christian Church where the Planets/Heavenly Bodies are called the "7 Heavens". Venus is also known as "The Morning Star" because it can be seen in the Morning and Evening, a Venus year is 584 days.

Saturn = Saturday
Sun = Sunday
Moon = Monday
Mars = Tuesday
Mercury = Wednesday
Jupiter = Thursday
Venus = Friday

Venus = ♀
Mars = ♂

Sun = Gold
Moon = Silver
Mercury = Mercury
Venus = Copper
Mars = Iron
Jupiter = Tin
Saturn = Lead

Then, there are the Constellations. Most people think that they are random, as if someone decided "That one looks like a Fish and that one looks like a Bull, let's worship them" that is not what happened. The Earth goes around the Sun, as we all know, and as the Earth goes around the Sun the Sun actually seems to move across the Horizon and it passes through those Constellations. Every day the Sun comes up in a slightly different spot than the day before, and in 365 days it goes back to the original spot. This is how Egyptians and Mayans had such great Calendars, they just made a wall to act as a fake Horizon for the Sun, then they would mark a line on the wall where the Sun rose, and at the end of the year they had 365 marks.

Aries, the Ram=April=Amethyst
Taurus, the Bull=May=Agate
Gemini, the Twins=June=Beryl
Cancer, the Crab=July=Emerald
Leo, the Lion=August=Ruby
Virgo, the Virgin=September=Jasper
Libra, the Balance=October=Diamond
Scorpio, the Scorpion=November=Topaz
Sagittarius, the Archer=December=Carbuncle
Capricorn, the Goat=January=Onyx Chalcedony
Aquarius, the Waterbearer=February=Sapphire
Pisces, the Fishes=March =Chrysolite

This brings us to the Holidays, and Plants. Plants help show us what seasons are coming by changing colors (Winter brings Red Colors out, Spring brings all the others), and people used to and still do plant their crops based on the planets. If you get a "Old Farmer's Almanac" for 2015, you will see planting cycles that go with the Planets, this is also where Holidays come from. The Constellations are also important to some Holidays, for example, Easter comes from the Constellation Taurus. It is covered for 3 days by the Sun, the on the 3rd day you can see it again and then Spring starts. Easter was always a Holiday, it was decided Jesus died that day much later.


Well-Known Member
I'm in it for the melatonin! I wanna level up LOL
You should read TIHKAL, Sasha Shulgin got into Melatonin and all of its derivatives. Russia was doing research on Anti-Radiation meds, which some are, and invented some crazy things that Sasha then made more of and similar things to.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
You should read TIHKAL, Sasha Shulgin got into Melatonin and all of its derivatives. Russia was doing research on Anti-Radiation meds, which some are, and invented some crazy things that Sasha then made more of and similar things to.
You make some interesting assumptions.


Well-Known Member
Im 1/2 black 1/2 asian my parents named me tiger cause you know I yellow with black stripes...Its a good mix for athletics I was even on the PGA for a while but then the hookers and cocaine caught up with me...i blame that on my asian heritage