Ursus marijanus
Now your pecker looks like a Christmas tree angel. Papilloma.youre really missing out. i used finny once. we both walked in and the judge mistaked me for the lawyer and took him to jail instead of me
Now your pecker looks like a Christmas tree angel. Papilloma.youre really missing out. i used finny once. we both walked in and the judge mistaked me for the lawyer and took him to jail instead of me
Just doing some checking , I followed your plant mix post that was in your Blog, ordered everything , got it today but the Hemic Acid wont be here till end of next week , can’t wait to try it . Questions about your Temple and group’s faith . I was raised and taught that we have a creator and his name was “ I AM “ , maybe it was Shiva ? If a person belonged to your group even though the Temple may be in a remote location and he had a Shrine in his home for worship . And he got busted for growing ( No dealing charges , nothing leaving his homestead ) , would he have a defense that would hold up in court ? I have had several people that I’ve done work for and they were Hindu , and the Shrines in their homes reminds me of some things you have posted , I haven’t seen them for years but I plan to go see them and talk to them about their faith . Let me know how this all works .A lot of people do not realize this, but Marijuana is something that has been tied to Hindu culture for around 4,000 years. "Hindu" started in the "Indus Valley", you can still see this is the name "Hindu" it just just "Indus" with an "H" on the beginning and no "S" at the end.
The Indus Valley is where the Rig Veda was written, and the Rig Veda is the oldest Hindu text. The entire book is dedicated to the Gods Indra and Rudra and the many forms they take, and one the main Gods they take the form of is Shiva.
According to Myth, Shiva was walking in a Celestial Desert and he was getting hot and wanted to sleep, so he found shade under a Marijuana plant and slept. Then when he woke, he was so grateful to the plant that he sent it down to live on Earth. The Marijuana plant is in and of itself the very representation of Shiva on Earth. A Marijuana plant is to Shiva what a Crucifix is to Jesus.
They did it with peyote and Ayahuasca there's a precedent.Just doing some checking , I followed your plant mix post that was in your Blog, ordered everything , got it today but the Hemic Acid wont be here till end of next week , can’t wait to try it . Questions about your Temple and group’s faith . I was raised and taught that we have a creator and his name was “ I AM “ , maybe it was Shiva ? If a person belonged to your group even though the Temple may be in a remote location and he had a Shrine in his home for worship . And he got busted for growing ( No dealing charges , nothing leaving his homestead ) , would he have a defense that would hold up in court ? I have had several people that I’ve done work for and they were Hindu , and the Shrines in their homes reminds me of some things you have posted , I haven’t seen them for years but I plan to go see them and talk to them about their faith . Let me know how this all works .
I actually did know that. Knowledge is powerA lot of people do not realize this, but Marijuana is something that has been tied to Hindu culture for around 4,000 years. "Hindu" started in the "Indus Valley", you can still see this is the name "Hindu" it just just "Indus" with an "H" on the beginning and no "S" at the end.
The Indus Valley is where the Rig Veda was written, and the Rig Veda is the oldest Hindu text. The entire book is dedicated to the Gods Indra and Rudra and the many forms they take, and one the main Gods they take the form of is Shiva.
According to Myth, Shiva was walking in a Celestial Desert and he was getting hot and wanted to sleep, so he found shade under a Marijuana plant and slept. Then when he woke, he was so grateful to the plant that he sent it down to live on Earth. The Marijuana plant is in and of itself the very representation of Shiva on Earth. A Marijuana plant is to Shiva what a Crucifix is to Jesus.
Anything above a small amount of personal medicine, charges usually entail distribution intent. Most kitchens have packaging materials and a scale for baking. Those items will usually be included among the charges as evidence to create a case. That's how that works. You can look for loopholes but that's never how shit goes down. Perhaps plan more for never crossing a line where probable cause would come into play. This way, with some luck, you'll never come into contact with leo and you won't have to cough up ten thousand, or more, to defend yourself with a religious grounds defense. Not that it wouldn't be an ok back up position, if you legitimately can claim such a thing.( No dealing charges , nothing leaving homestead )
I know what you are talking about. That is Theosophy, Theosophy is the basis of much of the Religious activity of the early 20th Century (1900s) and late 19th Century. It is basically Eastern and Western Mystery Schools brought together. I AM, if it is the same thing I know about, was started by Guy Ballard.Just doing some checking , I followed your plant mix post that was in your Blog, ordered everything , got it today but the Hemic Acid wont be here till end of next week , can’t wait to try it . Questions about your Temple and group’s faith . I was raised and taught that we have a creator and his name was “ I AM “ , maybe it was Shiva ? If a person belonged to your group even though the Temple may be in a remote location and he had a Shrine in his home for worship . And he got busted for growing ( No dealing charges , nothing leaving his homestead ) , would he have a defense that would hold up in court ? I have had several people that I’ve done work for and they were Hindu , and the Shrines in their homes reminds me of some things you have posted , I haven’t seen them for years but I plan to go see them and talk to them about their faith . Let me know how this all works .
Finshaggy , said he won his case in Texas , would be interesting to know what the charges were ? and as large as the group is I would think some one would have got busted , and if so what would the outcome have been ? Is there anything in the groups teaching that mention marijuana ?Anything above a small amount of personal medicine, charges usually entail distribution intent. Most kitchens have packaging materials and a scale for baking. Those items will usually be included among the charges as evidence to create a case. That's how that works. You can look for loopholes but that's never how shit goes down. Perhaps plan more for never crossing a line where probable cause would come into play. This way, with some luck, you'll never come into contact with leo and you won't have to cough up ten thousand, or more, to defend yourself with a religious grounds defense. Not that it wouldn't be an ok back up position, if you legitimately can claim such a thing.
Doesn't Elohim mean something like that, or one of the other older names for God?I know what you are talking about. That is Theosophy, Theosophy is the basis of much of the Religious activity of the early 20th Century (1900s) and late 19th Century. It is basically Eastern and Western Mystery Schools brought together. I AM, if it is the same thing I know about, was started by Guy Ballard.
My case was Possession and Violation of a term of my Deferred Adjudication. I presented a Memorandum of Law stating that both the Original Charge and the Deferred Adjudication were against my Religion as per Sherbert V Verner, and it was not dismissed upon motion to dismiss, but it was ultimately dismissed.Finshaggy , said he won his case in Texas , would be interesting to know what the charges were ? and as large as the group is I would think some one would have got busted , and if so what would the outcome have been ? Is there anything in the groups teaching that mention marijuana ?
If a guy got busted and could not afford a lawyer , so he defended himself , and pleaded not guilty and demanded a jury trial , what would his chances be ?
Elohim is the plural for God I believe, and it is what Mormons point to. Christians will say it means God and Jesus, Jewish people will say that it means God and the Angels, or something like that. Mormons say it means many Gods.Doesn't Elohim mean something like that, or one of the other older names for God?
Elohim is the plural for God I believe, and it is what Mormons point to. Christians will say it means God and Jesus, Jewish people will say that it means God and the Angels, or something like that. Mormons say it means many Gods.
I am Hindu, most Hindus use a more recent text, but I use the Rig Veda. I am specifically a Shaivite, and I don't know anyone that has been arrested for Religious growing, I mainly grew and taught be how to grow or make Charas (Hash) in Colorado. And in Colorado you can legally practice, without having to worry about laws. I just came back to Texas to beat my case that I beat, and now I am going to start a Temple after I finish suing the City for an Illegal seizure that prohibited me from practicing my Religion properly, and caused me to not be able to Celebrate for the Festival of Holi.The I AM part is in the Bible , Some Bible quotes state “ God said to Moses I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I PROVE TO BE ‘ Other Bibles say " Tell your people " I AM sent you .
Does your group have a Bible ? Einshaggy this is getting to be real interesting , I will have to do some reading
Glad to hear your case was dropped , that’s cool . Has anyone in your group been busted for growing?
They already returned the property, I am just suing still because they kept everything for over 4 months. And when I asked they said the longest it takes to test any number of things is like 2 weeks. So they have no reason to have taken so long and make me miss Holi.