Yellow leaves-5th week of flowering


good morning,
This is my first grow, I've read countless pages here and except for some small hurdles when I first started my plants things have been going along smoothly.
I flipped my plants a little more than 6 weeks ago, I have more buds than I imagined possible. The buds are growing on every tip, some over a foot long.

I have 6 plants of 6 varieties, temps, and RH (72/65) have been constant throughout grow.
Here is my problem. About 3 days ago the leaves on the plants started to yellow. I've been alternating my feelings to once every 2-3 waterings, I'm using "tiger bloom' blossom builder" fertilizer and mixing it per directions. I use a meter to check soil moisture. Until three days ago I couldn't have been happier. Now I'm getting concerned.

Any input is appreciated.



Give that plant some bloom nutes and you're good to go.
I've been giving it bloom notes every other watering. Should I increase it at this point? I was going nute free next week for their last two weeks. I'm using Tiger bloom blossom builder (2-8-4).

I'm interested in your thoughts.....R


IMHO...2 things going on here...Mg deficient:

Also, the plant is getting up there in age and as such, less N is needed and the plant is leaf dumping. Not to is actually a good thing...indicating that the plant is focusing it's energy on reproduction. Your budz are really going to start swelling now. :bigjoint::weed:
I like the sound of this. The flowers are amazing with all of their white hairs. A friend refers to them as snow capped. This process is a chore, looking forward to harvesting and curing, no I'm not, I looking forward to enjoying them....

Thanks for your post.


Well-Known Member
You say they are 5 weeks? by chance is this a 45-53 day strain?

BTW What size pots are those and how long they been in them? Are those 2 gallon pots?

Soil or CoCo?
Even if that is soil every other water is food time.

For sue a N def but you don't need or want a lot of N at this point. You may of had the N for some time as well. Old age is kicking in from low N I suspect as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with your nutes. So I'm speaking generally. Most bloom nutes (which I'm guessing you're using ) lack enough N especially early on when they are stretching and adding leaves. If you only use bloom nutes from day 1 of 12/12 you can expect to see this every time between weeks 4-5. And it only gets yellower. There's no making those leaves green again. I use grow nutes at some percent until I'm 4 weeks from finish. Obviously much more early and decreasing while increasing the bloom nutes until it's all bloom. Let your eyes and the plant tell you what she needs. Not some silly feeding chart.


Well-Known Member
Your problem is tiger bloom has a ph of like 1.5 2.0 so your ph is off not allowing the plant to absorb certain nutes


You say they are 5 weeks? by chance is this a 45-53 day strain?

BTW What size pots are those and how long they been in them? Are those 2 gallon pots?

Soil or CoCo?
Even if that is soil every other water is food time.

For sue a N def but you don't need or want a lot of N at this point. You may of had the N for some time as well. Old age is kicking in from low N I suspect as well.
- the plants are in their 5th week of bloom, flipped them around May 1st.
- they are in 2 gallon pots. The soil is happy frog, I used grow nutes and when buds formed I switched to blossom nutes.
- below are pictures of plants and a bud. Excuse the color of the photo, it's caused by the lamp I'm using.



Well-Known Member
As Said above Mag def, You need to know your ph to make sure its in the correct range to make sure it can absorb enough mag. Above 6.5 at the root zone. If your on RO water you will need to add a Mag, otherwise there should be enough in your water.
Good luck