RIU is getting...smaller


Well-Known Member
It's funny.. all the people talking about how 'people come and people go get over it' are all newer members.. lol. all the veteran members who have been here a while completely miss how things used to be.. (by veteran, no i don't just mean it says veteran under your name because you make a zillion posts, lol)

Yes, FDD there's hella people here- but we haven't grown in months... I know you remember how we'd beat our 'most viewers ever' record numerous times in one week, nearly daily.. the growth has topped off, and the content of the forums has dropped big time.. just my opinion.. I miss how it was.


New Member
It's funny.. all the people talking about how 'people come and people go get over it' are all newer members.. lol. all the veteran members who have been here a while completely miss how things used to be.. (by veteran, no i don't just mean it says veteran under your name because you make a zillion posts, lol)

Yes, FDD there's hella people here- but we haven't grown in months... I know you remember how we'd beat our 'most viewers ever' record numerous times in one week, nearly daily.. the growth has topped off, and the content of the forums has dropped big time.. just my opinion.. I miss how it was.

Wow, that made me feel really unwelcome...... :-(

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Personally I kinda resent the notion that life here was a bed of roses until 5 or 6 months ago and now the new people just ruin it.

Ummmm excuse me.... but I just joined in March of this year.... didn't realize I was bringing the place down :roll:

I realize quite a few people have left due to their beef with management changing the rules around here. I wasn't crazy about it either... but I chose to stay. For those that chose to leave... so be it. Sure I miss their company and daily interaction..... but it's not the end of the world... and hopefully they'll come back after emotions have a chance to cool off.

In the meantime I see no need to insult us newer members by telling us how great things were around here before we got here.

Just my 2 cents

P.S. I agree with the posters who said .... it's the internet... forums of all different subject matter are the same... people come and people go... :peace:


Well-Known Member
It's funny.. all the people talking about how 'people come and people go get over it' are all newer members.. lol.
Hell, the op joined in feb.
Thought this thread was a joke at first.

I'm sure things will be back to normal when summer ends.
today, I'm home sick, so here I'am on RIU, but I havent been on for awhile.
Once these kids realize what it takes to grow, they will dissapear.
Like the little hard-heads that they are, they need to fail first/get caught before they relize they are in over their heads.
I just don't reply, most of the time you can tell by the question the age of someone.


Well-Known Member
I havnt even felt any changes !?!?????? !!!! Except no one visits my daily updated journal ;)

haha peace


Active Member
a nother thing is is that alot of new kids that come on here try to go big (ie. grow lights , hydro like DWC , drip , and such) and they fail and get mad that's why alot of vet. growers recomend starting with soil


Well-Known Member
And like I said earlier in this thread all the new members take it personally. lol. No one ever said every new member was making this place shyt- I described what it was like before and what the biggest problematic changes have been earlier in this thread.. if your a newer member who is not causing the problems as before mentioned and youre showing respect and integrating into the riu society no one is dissing you.. lol, stop getting all defensive.


Well-Known Member
this place goes thru waves. it was no better 2 years ago than it was today. it's 100x better today in the fact that we have more than 3 girls. this place went with only 3 girls for well over a year. the only people i see missing are the people who demanded something from this site. the rest are all my friends. :)


i think i have a thread from when this site was just hitting 18000 members.... haha thought we were big then! =p

lots of people have gone that i loved reading, but there always seems to be atleast one or two new people every so often that grab your attention.... remember when trenton first started posting? haha

but thats the thing about RIU, it seems to be more GEARED towards the new grower, about building a strong foundation in growing skills... and i think it does that job really well....

so many other forums out there, and a lot try to do a little of everything... and not that RIU doens't have a little bit of it all, but like i said, it's really geared towards those foundation level skills....

and hey, plus there are some great personalities here... all the mods are friggin hilarious and all have a green thumb.... and most of the people who have been around since i started or shortly after are some of the most helpful and willing people you'll find on the web... much kudous to you all!

..... done rambling

stay at RIU
post awesome grow journals documenting your awesome grows =]
and be a cool person to chat with



Well-Known Member
LOL.. I remember when I first came it was a huge deal- almost zero girls.. lol. I am glad to see more as well..

I agree lbi for every couple of months there's a couple new people that fit right in and become a face to the board.

I'm done, lol.. those that get what I was saying already got it, and the rest- well it doesn't really matter. I'll stay here def. because this place is more so home than anywhere else and I'll always love seeing those old familiar faces.


Active Member
I like this place for the good info on CFL growing. How do you join the cfl crew anyways ???


Well-Known Member
nee ner, nee ner ........................... Most users ever online was 1,066, 11-05-2008 at 04:05 PM.


Well-Known Member
almost everyone who was a regular is now gone and it seems only people joining are kids worried about their parents finding their bong.
Hey, I can see your worry. But I am newer member, however I assure you my bong is safe. I may be younger, but I find this site an invaluable resource, and I believe I am representative of the better part of the new RIU community. That and I don't live with my parents.:peace: