Wow sorry totally lost base with this journal. Once trimming came around I was swamped aND musta forgot to update! But seeings how this strain is some Grade A+ quality stuff I figure I gotta finish. I love this strain. I received about l0 ounces dry from these two in 10 gallon pots.
Yield- Pheno #1 was my keeper, yielded just over 5.5 ounces. Give it about a 7.5 out of 10 for yield.
The buds seemed to be a little fluffy but actually had some pretty nice density to them. Give it a 6.5 out of 10 for density. Sticky- The Stickiness is crazy. It's hard to get the buds out of the jars they stick together so much! While trimming I was actually thinking of gorilla glue because that's how this stuff is. It's unreal. 10 for stickiness.
Odor- The odor is strong with this one. It stinks up the whOle place. I can't open a jar anywhere without the area reeking like a skunk. 9 out of 10 for odor.
Smell- It smells like sweet buttery bubble gum when you open the jar. 10 out of 10. My favorite smelling bud to date.
High- to properly describe the high I of course had to smoke a little of the product

when the high sets in you start feeling it in your eyes first. A heavy head stone clears the mind and then it relaxes the body. Great for pain relief. This is a 'make you feel good' type of strain. Uplifting high. Probably some of the best medical marijuana I've tried. 10/10
Potency- the potency is solid. You'll be smoking then all of a sudden it hits you and your stoned. Not the most stoned I've been but definitely the best stone. Little bit of a creeper. I'd give the potency 9/10
Both phenos were great I actually ran both for a bit but loved this one and had to make the cut. Here's the keeper
This will always be in my garden.