Your peppers please!

Here it is in round numbers.

8 oz softened cream cheese
8 oz finely shredded 4 cheese blend
8 oz browned pork sausage
10-12 big Jalapeno peppers, cut in half and deseeded
1 cup milk
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup Panko plain bread crumbs

Mix cheese, cream cheese and browned sausage and stuff in peppers. In separate bowls, lay out the milk, flour and bread crumbs. Dip the stuffed peppers in milk, then flour, then place in freezer for 10 minutes. {this helps keep the cheese from running when you bake them} Take out of freezer and dip in milk and bread crumbs, then do it again. Spray them with Pam or other non-stick spray, then bake @ 350F for 20 minutes, or until cheese starts to leak out. Broil for 1 minute.

There are other recipes she uses, but this is the one from this week.
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Yo Larry,

No reason for the fig tree, just there.
It's early for the figs, usually it's the 4 th of July when the figs are ready.

I had read, you putting in a citrus tree, I have a couple here at my house ,planning to start a small fruit tree farm later this year.
Yo Larry,

No reason for the fig tree, just there.
It's early for the figs, usually it's the 4 th of July when the figs are ready.

I had read, you putting in a citrus tree, I have a couple here at my house ,planning to start a small fruit tree farm later this year.
The little old Asian lady at the thrift store I shop at has a couple of fig trees she has potted for me. We trade seeds all the time, but this is the first trees she has given me. And I want to take some cuts off the fig at the old house. There is also Apple Persimmon and soft pear trees over there I need to take cuts from.

I have a tangerine tree my cousin gave me, a Chinese orange tree from seeds from the two trees at my river camp, and a Lemon tree from Lowe's. We planted about 10 blueberry bushes {half bought/half rooted} last year. We are picking a few berries off them now. I've started some peach trees from pits, and have a couple of them planted in the orchard. There is also two olive trees, two Apple persimmons, two figs and too many grapevines for me to take care of.