Is this a male?


Does this appear to be male to you guys? Possibly a female calyx that hasn't sprouted pistils yet? Any help is greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Does this appear to be male to you guys? Possibly a female calyx that hasn't sprouted pistils yet? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Looks like balls starting to form. Don't chop until you have confirmed balls. Could just be a calyx

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
I'm going to give it a 97.8% chance that that is a male if you don't see any hair so far, how old is the plant how long has it been in 1212
Does this appear to be male to you guys? Possibly a female calyx that hasn't sprouted pistils yet? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU!
I too have the same question. Been growing out a seed that a received from a friend for a while now n wasn't sure what it was n still don't know. I hope ya guys/gals can tell me what I got on my hands so I know whether to chuck it or not. Thankx for the replies in advance!



Well-Known Member
Did you click on the pic? I had plant basically on my lap. I will try n see if I can get closer. Thank you for your quick response!


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna argue with ya Brimck325. I totally take ya word for it. I have to wait til 12pm this afternoon in order to go into grow area. Have 2 tents going n do wanna disturb the flowering tent in the slightest. I hope whatever I said wasn't taken any type of way, cause I truly value all opinions n or criticism. Thankx again n will be posting pics soon!!


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU!
I too have the same question. Been growing out a seed that a received from a friend for a while now n wasn't sure what it was n still don't know. I hope ya guys/gals can tell me what I got on my hands so I know whether to chuck it or not. Thankx for the replies in advance!
That's a male.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Mbishop95!
I truly appreciate your response. I wish I had a spot for the dude, but I have no room or use for a male plant as of yet. Grow green n may your harvest be fruitful!


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU!
I too have the same question. Been growing out a seed that a received from a friend for a while now n wasn't sure what it was n still don't know. I hope ya guys/gals can tell me what I got on my hands so I know whether to chuck it or not. Thankx for the replies in advance!
HMMMM...image.jpg ...ballz.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thank you $bkbbudz$! Well, the verdict is now in n he's off to the butcher shop! Thank you all for your input n insight. I didn't want to hold on to it any longer than I had to.