Socialist hellhole California moves from 8th to 6th largest economy in the world, surpassing France


Well-Known Member
Genetics does determine gender. If I'm born XY with female genitalia, surgery can correct it. If I'm born XX with male genitalia, surgery can correct it

I realize science isn't your guy's' strong suit, but this is pretty basic shit we're talking about..
Again s l o w l y, with emphasis on what each word means...........

As to the other thing, no surgery I know of can make a man produce ovum or a woman produce sperm, ergo the specification for them that they champion.

Ain't ain't like you can stress 'em and they hermie. ;)
If surgery comes into it, the cosmetics of "the genetic mistake" can be corrected, but no where near as good as OEM which allows specific accommodations like progeny.

Ya know....little things.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program of Bucky's (and probably your) hypocrisy.

Don't have much to say on that one, do ya?


Well-Known Member
Genetics does determine gender. If I'm born XY with female genitalia, surgery can correct it. If I'm born XX with male genitalia, surgery can correct it

I realize science isn't your guy's' strong suit, but this is pretty basic shit we're talking about..
It would also require independent thought. A bridge too far, it seems.


Well-Known Member
Again s l o w l y, with emphasis on what each word means...........

If surgery comes into it, the cosmetics of "the genetic mistake" can be " corrected, but no where near as good as OEM which allows specific accommodations like progeny.

Ya know....little things.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program of Bucky's (and probably your) hypocrisy.

Don't have much to say on that one, do ya?
how are they now unable to produce children, and what does that even matter?

eggs can be saved, sperm can be preserved, and progeny can be produced without a problem.

even two gay people of the same gender can have a child that is genetically theirs if one of them has a sibling or close relative of the opposite sex who is willing to help out.

are you this shut off from reality? this stupid?


Well-Known Member
Yes...derail the original post (or content alluding thereof) and prove poor reading comprehension skills yet again.

The amount of your trying to steer from your blatant disregard for your fellow citizen that has a job, pays taxes, and therefore votes which is a right that taxation should obligate (and I'm sure you're all good little voters) is astounding.

Fine, you have disregard for my gender views, I get that.

But this inane attempt to deny your own hypocrisy is just so grade school.

It's like you're pointing @ me and saying. "You're fat." and about as effective, but I'm sure it still bolsters the chubby when you think about your post count.


Well-Known Member
Yes...derail the original post (or content alluding thereof) and prove poor reading comprehension skills yet again.

The amount of your trying to steer from your blatant disregard for your fellow citizen that has a job, pays taxes, and therefore votes which is a right that taxation should obligate (and I'm sure you're all good little voters) is astounding.

Fine, you have disregard for my gender views, I get that.

But this inane attempt to deny your own hypocrisy is just so grade school.

It's like you're pointing @ me and saying. "You're fat." and about as effective, but I'm sure it still bolsters the chubby when you think about your post count.
most of your fellow right wingers on this website don't pay taxes. flaming pie, uncle ben, desert dude, ky man, drowning man, and many others are welfare leeches and i am the one supporting them.

i don't get where this hypocrisy charge comes from, bigoted socko.


Well-Known Member
most of your fellow right wingers on this website don't pay taxes. flaming pie, uncle ben, desert dude, ky man, drowning man, and many others are welfare leeches and i am the one supporting them.

i don't get where this hypocrisy charge comes from, bigoted socko.
I used your words to prove it, and you even refuted it a few times feebly before realizing it was a losing battle and you'd better try a tanget of taking what I said out of context and re-routing the evidence of your hypocrisy.

You do know what that word hypocrisy means, correct?

Your proof for your subsidization of those you don't like is where again?
I have my proof, it's in the post I quoted and your rebuttal to my observation thereof.

I got you to admit you didn't file taxes on all your income (whether "straight" or not) and you're mad.

I drywall, mud, paint, plumb, frame, etc. (elec. stops @ the box though) so I know the median range of income and I'm betting if you can grow decent that your "side" income was @ least as much if not more than your declared income.

So which is it?
You can only grow little scrags that you can't sell, or you're a tax cheat that votes that others should pay for your benefit?


Well-Known Member
I used your words to prove it, and you even refuted it a few times feebly before realizing it was a losing battle and you'd better try a tanget of taking what I said out of context and re-routing the evidence of your hypocrisy.

You do know what that word hypocrisy means, correct?

Your proof for your subsidization of those you don't like is where again?
I have my proof, it's in the post I quoted and your rebuttal to my observation thereof.

I got you to admit you didn't file taxes on all your income (whether "straight" or not) and you're mad.

I drywall, mud, paint, plumb, frame, etc. (elec. stops @ the box though) so I know the median range of income and I'm betting if you can grow decent that your "side" income was @ least as much if not more than your declared income.

So which is it?
You can only grow little scrags that you can't sell, or you're a tax cheat that votes that others should pay for your benefit?
you started a sock puppet account on a pot growing website and the first thing you decide to do is go after me for not paying 100% of the taxes on the pot i grow?

yeah, you're not obsessed with me or anything.

i must have ripped your asshole in half last time you were here.


Well-Known Member
you started a sock puppet account on a pot growing website and the first thing you decide to do is go after me for not paying 100% of the taxes on the pot i grow?

yeah, you're not obsessed with me or anything.

i must have ripped your asshole in half last time you were here. have that same dyslexia.

I said I came here (to this section of the forum, the other ones give me insight and educate me) for entertainment.

Dance, monkey, dance.


Well-Known Member have that same dyslexia.

I said I came here (to this section of the forum, the other ones give me insight and educate me) for entertainment.

Dance, monkey, dance.
a drywall mudder, eh?

tell me what it is like to be so low skill.


Well-Known Member
a drywall mudder, eh?

tell me what it is like to be so low skill.
Again....singular in your perception. This is a sign of ADHD not to be able to recognize multiple concepts at one time. You find the word that you want to further what you want and focus right there.

It's more severe downside is that that individual focus is fleeting @ best and has no real substance of understanding.

So, you can't grow AND you cheat on your taxes?

I thought I'd try it your way.

[EDIT] "Cause all I'm hearing is, "You're fat, hehehehehehehe"
Oooooooo ya got me there! ;)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I'd be interested in seeing which Californian industries are contributing most to the economic growth of the state.

They do have a very large defense industry presence, after all.


Well-Known Member

Did ya forget the little quandary about how you trumpet the benefit of more liberal taxation and your voting in support thereof, but you not having all your income taxed?

You started this thread. I'd figure that you'd provide something.

C''s the fargin' internet, lie even. I'm sure it won't be an unfamiliar act.


Well-Known Member

Did ya forget the little quandary about how you trumpet the benefit of more liberal taxation and your voting in support thereof, but you not having all your income taxed?

You started this thread. I'd figure that you'd provide something.

C''s the fargin' internet, lie even. I'm sure it won't be an unfamiliar act.
Why would you assume my income isn't taxed?


Well-Known Member
Look kids, it's been a hoot but I've got a torrent of UHF to snag and it always fugs w/ site connectivity.

Post your responses to questions asked above/before again and again <wow, whata concept!> and if those responses have any cogent aspects to the questions I'll reply when I see 'em.

Bucky, we can discuss mudding and how Advance stainless knives are really the only ones your should consider or we can discuss the networking and system configuration to create a clustered hyper-visor environment for the implementation of virtualized servers/services or we can debate Kant, Hume, and Socrates into the wee small ones (like your dick?). I have 2 friends that just fugging groove on the shite (philosophy, not your dick) and have taught me a bunch of it's fallacy and fancy.

Try another tangent.

In the mean time, do you have any pin rolls for the grinder of Zappa's "Flakes"?



Well-Known Member
Why would you assume my income isn't taxed?
Answers to questions, not questions about questions.

Why shouldn't I assume not all you income is taxed?

But to give you a little more gristle to chew, because you're on a pot website when one of the major driving forces of interest in pot is the insane amount of (tax free) money you can make/save due to it's illegal federal status.
Plus it's just fun.

Much like your inability to answer a question, a simple progression of logic seems a bridge too far as well.

Try again Mr. Leprechaun


Well-Known Member
Ya see? You're just so galdurn entertaining I can't even achieve my Weird Al Yankovic fixation goals and I figured it was only fair since I gifted Paddy (although not specifically) in such a manner.

Here ya go Bucky, jest fer you.



Well-Known Member
I don't grow/sell weed. I have 2 jobs. All of my income is taxed. You are a retard.
Wow...and yet you come to a pot growing website to shallowly discuss politics?

Remember a few posts back from me to you about lying not being a unfamiliar concept to ya?
Ya just trying to prove that?

This is one of the very few places in all of existence whose fact of your patronage should have every viewer of this thread involuntarily exclaiming "Really?" in incredulity of your assessment of my mental faculties for drawing that conclusion.

I swear to god and all the little fishes that the hand that stimulates both you and Bucky is the same.

But carry I said, you're better than Weird Al.