Having some rootzone issues in Coco Coir second time round.


Active Member
was growing in hydroton / roots in air PVC with good results. since i have been trying coco coir i seem to be getting lots of root issues.not sure if overwater or underwater, over feed or under feed.advice greatly appreciated.

last time i successfully harvested about 4oz from a plant in 10L (~2.5gal) plastic pot of coco coir , was hand watering 2-3 times each day till runoff with EC not more than 0.7 and still had slight salt build up issues..

second time round i haven't been able to water any more than once per day as there seem to be major root zone issues possibly due to over watering. the roots are definitely nothing to be proud of here. If I let the coco coir dry out too much, the rootzone EC raises drastically and i get burned tips. these ones are about 7 weeks in now , guessing i should start to lower the ec to finish them off. probably won't hit the 70 day mark I did last time round.

i doubt it's root bound either. (considering my last grow had way more roots when i was able to water 3 times per day )

my grows are getting worse each time and I don't know why, spent hundreds of hours reading contradicting information regarding coco coir. tried to follow different ideas but plant never responds well. i suffer from severe depression and anxiety and the inability to grow my own meds is the icing on the cake i do not need.

i accept that I should water less to begin with and then more as the roots grow out, however waiting for the coco to dry even slightly seems to kill the roots and runoff shoots to double the initial watering level with lower PH (salt buildup issue...?) these ones have already been growing for about 3-4 weeks and little progress. they seem to stand up as it dries out , but not long after i start to get yellowing from bottom and burned tips on top. The roots seem to be whiter when the medium is wetter,,, but they keep dying off and I don't know why. been watering these once every 2 days when the top cm dries out with 0.4EC . trying to keep the media flushed every water so nothing builds up. always having these massive purple stem and fan leaf stems. temp is 25 C though so doesn't seem like a temperature issue.

IMG_5366.JPGIMG_5371.JPGsee how some new roots are really white? well if i water again they will die. but if i let it dry out they die too. so confused with coco coir .

here's a seedling that popped two weeks ago. everything seems to go bad when it dries out, but when i water it goes equally as bad. I am so lost with ideas now. i water with rainwater and coco nutrient solution each water.
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Active Member
Running 18/6
Been watering just before lights on every other day
Half Way through day 2. Might leave 3 days between waterings this time round
Woody stem
Purple steM
Looks deficient all round
But always get burned tips no matter how little nutrient I use. These haven't seen over 0.4EC. I always keep the PH around 5.7-6.0

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Active Member
Anybody on here know much about growing plants in coco? Really struggling to figure out what's going on with the coco grow.. When I Soak the coco coir nice thick white roots come through. But then if I water next day they get root rot. if I let it drink 50% water as some suggest the roots die off too. I'm using specific coco nutrients so don't know that I need extra cal /mag. All my plants at different stages seem to show the same symptoms.. Woody purple stem, burned tips, stunted growth , half the signs say too much feed but others are sign of deficiency. From countless hours of researching through the forums I know the First issue is with the medium and roots and until I can get them right there's no point trying to diagnose any further. Yet everyone has contradicting replies with coco. I want to use it as a hydro medium but I cannot seem to get the roots to develop properly. Every time I let it dry even with very low EC OF 0.2 I get burned tips and signs of "the claw" .:/:/ I always keep the PH around 5.7-6.0

Never had these problems before in hydroton... Always had healthy plants with thick green stems and leaves. I've kept this strain going by taking clones for 3 years....... It's not a heavy feeder used to not go more than 0.6 EC AND 0.8 max in peak flower With 4 plants in a 4x4 tent.

Any advice would be really appreciated thanks ! image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg
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Active Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg 2 weeks later the vegging plants are taller but still no Vigor. Purple woody stems and dropping leaves. Seems to be everywhere on the forums but no fix other than be told it's over watering , which I am not sure it is. I am letting the coco coir dry considerably between watering, unlike every other coco grow I have seen watered daily or multiple times daily. Still same root issues and stunted growth. Looks overwatered but I know now after letting coco dry fully it's not the case.let these dry out 3 days until almost bone dry. Pot weighs 400g no water , 900g when watered. Let it dry all the way out to 500g. Runoff is ~10% and around same ec as nutrient solution 0.8ec which is a+b coco nutes and a drop of cal/mag too. Any advice would be appreciated thanks.
Running 18/6
Been watering just before lights on every other day
Half Way through day 2. Might leave 3 days between waterings this time round
Woody stem
Purple steM
Looks deficient all round
But always get burned tips no matter how little nutrient I use. These haven't seen over 0.4EC. I always keep the PH around 5.7-6.0

View attachment 3705688
I water 4 times a day have run off every time and don't have this problem also a mate has same system and waters once a day till he gets run off and gets same results so I don't think it's a water problem are u using clones mabey the problem is already there before u start
Can anybody tell me what is the longest u can keep the same strain going for have had citral for 21 years and still smokes great


Well-Known Member
never let coco dry out, you dont need to, coco holds all the oxygen the roots need between waterings
are you going up in pot sizes as the roots fill them out, 2ltr to 6 ltr to 11ltrs, if you are not doing this and putting a small plant in a large pot and leaving it for days without watering it will stagnate, you need to flush the crap out by watering till run off, if you keep your ph 6 you will lock out calcium and magnesium, let it rise to 6.8, 2 or 3 times a week, are you using good quality coco
i use canna A/B coco nutes canna rhyzotonic for the roots and canna coco, never any issues
i also use hydrogen peroxide for a bit more root developement
as your watering with rain water i would use a tiny bit of calmag in your feed
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15-25,000 years minimum lol
I had a strain I had going for 13 years no seeds involed
Cool thumper i have growing same strain over 20 years from a clone someone gave me but im looking for a change so brought some seeds but reading forums, seeds can have their own problems such as hermies ect, did buy feminized seeds so hopefully no boys but will keep old strain just in case


Well-Known Member
never let coco dry out, you dont need to, coco holds all the oxygen the roots need between waterings
are you going up in pot sizes as the roots fill them out, 2ltr to 6 ltr to 11ltrs, if you are not doing this and putting a small plant in a large pot and leaving it for days without watering it will stagnate, you need to flush the crap out by watering till run off, if you keep your ph 6 you will lock out calcium and magnesium, let it rise to 6.8, 2 or 3 times a week, are you using good quality coco
i use canna A/B coco nutes canna rhyzotonic for the roots and canna coco, never any issues
i also use hydrogen peroxide for a bit more root developement
as your watering with rain water i would use a tiny bit of calmag in your feed
The larger pots @ smaller plants is truth ;)
I still never transplant because even if I'm careful there's shock and the recover time fucks with my schedule. Blasted OCD lol.

I've never had cal-mag lock out but that's a pro tip for fixing it ty.

You mentioned this is you second time @ coco and the first was good, did you reuse the old coco? If so did you flush the shit out of it?

I'm running,
3 gal smart pots.
Coco/perlite mix.
Water the shit out of emm till lots of run off. The run off goes to my ridiculously happy snake plants that apparently love canna a+b lol.
I never ever pack the coco into the pots, plop it in and grow.


Well-Known Member
never let coco dry out, you dont need to, coco holds all the oxygen the roots need between waterings
are you going up in pot sizes as the roots fill them out, 2ltr to 6 ltr to 11ltrs, if you are not doing this and putting a small plant in a large pot and leaving it for days without watering it will stagnate, you need to flush the crap out by watering till run off, if you keep your ph 6 you will lock out calcium and magnesium, let it rise to 6.8, 2 or 3 times a week, are you using good quality coco
i use canna A/B coco nutes canna rhyzotonic for the roots and canna coco, never any issues
i also use hydrogen peroxide for a bit more root developement
as your watering with rain water i would use a tiny bit of calmag in your feed
Im curious as to why you let your ph rise to 6.8? Do you see ph issues? I only fluctuate between 5.8-6.4