(CBRN) Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear

I don't really have any questions for them, they asked if I had any questions. I know Basic will be them yelling a bunch of funny stuff in my face, cleaning a bunch of stuff that isn't dirty, PT, etc. I know mostly what goes in in CBRN training (gas chamber, lots of studying etc.) I know what the pay is but I am not really worried about money, I know they can send me anywhere in the world, I know what you can have on a military base. I know what CBRN will be like. I have read a bunch of Military law and rights, benefits, etc.

What kind of questions are you talking about? I don't think recruiters could really even tell me much more than that anyways.
I just want to learn some more Chemistry, use the equipment they have, and get connections to buy my own when I get out. And get Hazmat Certified and everything.
And I can still post stuff online, and still be involved in Politics and stuff, I have a pretty good reach on Social Media and a lot of people read what I say. I'll start a PAC while I'm there, which is not against the rules.
I just got back, they said I couldn't take the test because of my juvenile record. But I just have to talk to my Congressman about it, and my congressman is in Colorado so they said the Marijuana charges from when I was a kid will most likely get cleared, then I'm set to go.

And I was talking to the recruiter and he said that just based on talking to me he thinks that I will be able to get the score for CBRN.
I just got back, they said I couldn't take the test because of my juvenile record. But I just have to talk to my Congressman about it, and my congressman is in Colorado so they said the Marijuana charges from when I was a kid will most likely get cleared, then I'm set to go.

And I was talking to the recruiter and he said that just based on talking to me he thinks that I will be able to get the score for CBRN.

You need to march back there and let that recruiter know your juvenile record is sealed, irrelevant and he should just get over himself. Then sue him personally and the Army for violating your civil rights.
And I was going to give up my lawsuits for at least 2 years if not all together when I joined, because the main lawsuit I need to complete is the DEA lawsuit for their violations of the 21st Amendment. That is not just about my Rights, that is will vindicate all of Americans rights, which are daily violated by the current drug laws.

But if for some reason the Congressmen (or Governors, I sent it to both Texas and Colorado) do not want to support me joining the military, I will file a lawsuit for the Army not accepting me because of my Religion. I know you guys are all just stoners so you don't see it as a Religion, but the courts do. So I have standing to sue if they won't let me join.
You need to march back there and let that recruiter know your juvenile record is sealed, irrelevant and he should just get over himself. Then sue him personally and the Army for violating your civil rights.
I told him, and he talked to his boss and he said he couldn't do anything without a congressional letter. So I am going to see if they will approve me, then if not I will sue.
I told him, and he talked to his boss and he said he couldn't do anything without a congressional letter. So I am going to see if they will approve me, then if not I will sue.
Fin, the above poster is just being sarcastic along with his revelment.
I know you guys are all just stoners so you don't see it as a Religion, but the courts do.
I wish you wouldn't say that, it's condescending. Most of us are much more than 'stoners'.
Lol. I know he was being sarcastic, this is not the first time I have replied to someone trolling me, I reply to all trolls.

And I am not the first person to sue the military for a religious bias they have, and while I would lose if I were asking to use Bhang in the military, I will probably win this case. There is precedent for this.

And I know that they know what they are talking about, but their rules about Marijuana charges is for people who use it recreationally and get arrested, not for people who use it Religiously and get arrested, but they can't just approve me in the office, it has to be congressionally or court approved. They are literally calling my Religion "Major Misconduct" and that is unAmerican. They can't call a Religion Major Misconduct.
And in court I will just have to bring a printout of this.

Along with my Ministry credentials, as well as maybe an affidavit from a family member stating that I have been practicing this religion since I was 14. And they know, I told them then, and I told them when I went to court, and my mom even supported me in my Religion. So that wouldn't be hard at all.
And I know the law, the case recently where I had stuff go through the Forensics lab, the Narcotics Conspiracy Sergeant supported me when I explained my Religion and showed him all the relevant case law. So once they get the lawsuit they might just let me join when they get the lawsuit. I will have plenty of proof that they are wrong just in the initial filing.
But I am not going to go straight to a lawsuit, I am going to wait for the Congressmen and Governers offices to reply, then I will respond to them with basically everything I would put in an initial filing. Prove to them that my Religion is a Religion, that has been around for 4500 years. Quote the exact words in the laws written by Congress that support my Position, and case law from the Supreme Court and the 5th District. And see if they change their minds, then if they don't, I will file a lawsuit.
And the only way they could respond is by trying to say that they have certain rules, or that this is not my Religion. But again, I can prove that I have been practicing it since I was 14. So they can't claim that I wasn't Hindu when I was 14. And I will just have to quote Sherbert V Verner for their rules argument, which states that if the Government imposes a penalty, or withholds a benefit, they are burdening Religion. And Title 42 Chapter 21B which states that rules of General applicability can burden a religion as surely as rules directly meant to burden a religion would. And Title 42 Chapter 21C which states "any exercise of Religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of Religious belief" and that that chapter is meant to be used to its fullest possibilities.

And I would send those quotes as part of my request to the Congressmen and Governors also, but that will also be part of what I use in court if they make it go as far as court.
I have nothing on my background.
I have checked. I have 1 arrest, but no conviction. And the arrest was for a warrant, not for a charge. But no convictions, just an arrest. And I have known people with Felonies that have gotten into the Military, so I am not worried about an arrest that led to no conviction barring anything. And all I have to do is file a motion to get it sealed if completely necessary, but it doesn't effect anything else like jobs, so I doubt it would effect this.

Dropped charges can't effect anything, they might be on there but they don't mean anything. The Prosecutors withdrew from the case, even if it was still open it wouldn't be something that would bar me completely. They would just tell me to file a motion for dismissal, but since I did that before the prosecutors withdrew, they just dismissed it themselves.
I just got back, they said I couldn't take the test because of my juvenile record. But I just have to talk to my Congressman about it, and my congressman is in Colorado so they said the Marijuana charges from when I was a kid will most likely get cleared, then I'm set to go.

And I was talking to the recruiter and he said that just based on talking to me he thinks that I will be able to get the score for CBRN.

I sent the message to my recruiter and she said it was really compelling and that it may change policy if the right people read it, so I sent it to every US Senator and the legislatures of like 6 States.

So it could change policy. And if no one replies to the email I'll file a lawsuit tomorrow or the next day and do it in court.