Powdery Mildew and PH Problems


Active Member
Hey whats up everyone, I have some issues going with my girls. I have powdery mildew beginning to develop. Some type of weird bugs infesting my girls. PH problems. Yellow dots forming on leaves for no apparent reason. Last but not least, lower buds are browning for no reason.

What is the quickest way to raise PH organically?

How should I control powdery mildew organically?

Why are my lower buds browning?

Why are there weird looking yellow specs on my leaves?

Heres the yellow spots?




This girl died for no apparent reason? PH maybe?


Powdery Mildew


Annoying little bugs infesting my girls!?!


yellow spots

Same infesting bug!

Browning BUD!??????????????


So far


Please Help!


Well-Known Member
hey man what starins are those plants? how many do you have in what soil, and where about are they? corn field, swamp, forest etc? fed them any nutes yet? get back to me? are waht kind of bugs are those i have those on my plants also! not gnat flys but what are they?


Well-Known Member
They look really, really wet. Is it the climate there, or are you soaking them? Looks like overwatering to me... If it's just the local climate then your best bet is to go with a strain that tolerates wet conditions.


Well-Known Member
They look like a spit-bugs to me. There's a site called whatsthatbug (dot com I think) where you might be able to ID them.

Powdery mildew can be controlled by using milk, about a 10% dilution.

The plant that died from the bottom up, she looked hungry and light-starved to me. The spots may be mobile nutrient issues, are you feeding them at all? They actually look alright, I don't think outdoor growers can ever hope for flawless leaves. If you think you're giving these girls a complete round of nutrients and that there are no micronutrient issues with the plot where they're growing, then I'd just wait them out. I can't help you at all with the bud that's turning brown.

If you do decide to start or change feeding, my best advice is to start light and go slow.


Well-Known Member
not spit bugs i checked out that site. damnit i wanna find out what these bugs are and if thier harmful! anyone?


Well-Known Member
They look like a spit-bugs to me. There's a site called whatsthatbug (dot com I think) where you might be able to ID them.

Powdery mildew can be controlled by using milk, about a 10% dilution.

how do I use this milk solution? at the base or a spray? ive also got the mildew on my leafs and I sure as shit dont want it on my buds.


Well-Known Member
Spray. I definitely don't have those problems as the mountains are quite (almost too) dry. I found it doing some Googling one day, though, and it seems pretty straightforward.


Well-Known Member
I don't recollect that from what I'd read, but if so then that's problematic for most of us in the U.S. There are other ways of dealing with powdery mildew, involving building a fumigation tent I believe.


Well-Known Member
I don't recollect that from what I'd read, but if so then that's problematic for most of us in the U.S. There are other ways of dealing with powdery mildew, involving building a fumigation tent I believe.

Thank you for the info. I will try the milk. Though after raining all day yesterday I cant see anything as of this morning. But Im sure its still there. Stuff spreads fast. I will be on around the clock watch.


Well-Known Member
damn let me know if that milk works, thanks for the link seamaiden, just read it and shit sounds pretty legit! peace