breeding is a lot of work man you can use a male to pollinate a female but in till you know the tarts the male is going to pass on its a hit and miss. your best bet is pop 100 of those beans, sex them take your females clone each one then flower them, pick a hand full of the best or the ones you like and use the clones you took to breed. do the same for males but you do not need to take clones,things to look for in good males is large pollen sacks, bananas witch produce the flowers, a male that has resin glands is a good sing, a healthy growth rate, and a strong smell from, stock and stems it good. a good strong male will stand out for sure. it really helps to have more then one indoor space to breed you can do it outdoor but its still nice to haver in indoor room to do your selecting. it can take years and hundreds of beans to really find what your looking for and stabilize it so your seeds dont have a million phenotypes. you can just take a bunch of males and let in pollinate a bunch of females but you never know what your gonna get and could pop hundreds of the beans be for you found that keeper pheno.