iam very angry about me cause i overlook the right time. I come home and know my plants must be thursty. Look into my tent, yep thursty..
So, give them yesterday Advanced Hydroponic (Soil, between 200-300 ml) Bloom dose for the end of the Bloomstage. Then i recognize the hair are to 60-80 % brown, then i use my microscope and noticed the harvest time would yesterday or today. (trichome are to 80 % milky and 5% amber, rest transparent)
So the problem is, i water it yesterday with a half of the bloom dose and cause of this mistake i flushing it today, in the bathtub, with, dont know exactly, 20 l water or more per plant.
Should i wait, to dry them out, or is it possible i can cut them all after this flushing? I hope you understand my request.
Iam in our garage to change my wintertire to my summertire.. i look later to my post.
iam very angry about me cause i overlook the right time. I come home and know my plants must be thursty. Look into my tent, yep thursty..
So, give them yesterday Advanced Hydroponic (Soil, between 200-300 ml) Bloom dose for the end of the Bloomstage. Then i recognize the hair are to 60-80 % brown, then i use my microscope and noticed the harvest time would yesterday or today. (trichome are to 80 % milky and 5% amber, rest transparent)
So the problem is, i water it yesterday with a half of the bloom dose and cause of this mistake i flushing it today, in the bathtub, with, dont know exactly, 20 l water or more per plant.
Should i wait, to dry them out, or is it possible i can cut them all after this flushing? I hope you understand my request.
Iam in our garage to change my wintertire to my summertire.. i look later to my post.