A cop or cops just got shot and or killed in Dallas


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="ThickStemz, post: 12756099, member: 923980"

BLM shows its true colors and the fruition of its plans.
Voice of the half-wit bigot[/QUOTE]
To be called a half wit by someone who can't figure out the quote function has no sting.


Well-Known Member
Zionist start these civil wars and meanwhile they are going to strip our economy clean .. fucken genius evil parasites .. Bankers make off like bandits.. while we get a taste of Martial Law coming.. More rights about to be stripped away .. its coming .. These Ziopigs are so well trained in Divide and Conquer... and the lower classes are quick to take the bait!!!!


Well-Known Member
Zionist start these civil wars and meanwhile they are going to strip our economy clean .. fucken genius evil parasites .. Bankers make off like bandits.. while we get a taste of Martial Law coming.. More rights about to be stripped away .. its coming .. These Ziopigs are so well trained in Divide and Conquer... and the lower classes are quick to take the bait!!!!
Are you on meth?


Well-Known Member
"if you don't agree with me go" you can add a fuck yourself to the end of that and refer it to yourself.
how sad were you when you walked in on your wife with the black man?

"get off her, you're hurting her" you whimpered pathetically. and then she told you to shut the door and let them finish. you slept in the guest bedroom and cried yourself to sleep. her moans of pleasure interrupted your sleep several times that night.


Well-Known Member
what did i say that was racist you over-reactionary pussy? and i say what i feel like, either here or in real life. prove that i don't... until then it's just you flapping your gums gramps.
Shit, I'm barely over 30 lol. From your first post, it has been just tripe.
Denial isn't a river...


Well-Known Member
Zionist start these civil wars and meanwhile they are going to strip our economy clean .. fucken genius evil parasites .. Bankers make off like bandits.. while we get a taste of Martial Law coming.. More rights about to be stripped away .. its coming .. These Ziopigs are so well trained in Divide and Conquer... and the lower classes are quick to take the bait!!!!
Did you get the two for one lobotomy deal with thickstemz?


Well-Known Member
what did i say that was racist you over-reactionary pussy? and i say what i feel like, either here or in real life. prove that i don't... until then it's just you flapping your gums gramps.
"Say what you feel like" since you barely speak its gotta be your asshole talking.


Well-Known Member
Voice of the half-wit bigot
To be called a half wit by someone who can't figure out the quote function has no sting.[/QUOTE]
It has no sting because your a numb jack ass.

Bro it's been pointed out over n over how ridiculously stupid you are. STFU and stop being a fucking ass clown.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
The snipers must have been pretty stupid.
What outcome did they expect?
Either get killed (more black lives wasted) or they get put in jail.
More blacks in jail.

Maybe they thought they could escape?