A cop or cops just got shot and or killed in Dallas


Well-Known Member
That's cool and all but that war had absolutely nothing to do with freedom Vietnam was never a threat to the USA. Now WW2 that was a justifiably war and I'm proud as fuck for everyone who fought and died in that war. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somolia etc. Have done nothing but take our freedom Vietnam started the War On Drugs this War On Terror took our freedom of privacy and helped bring in this police state we have now.

We are far less free since the Vietnam War not more free. But I respect your service it's not your fault for the unjust war and the draft the people are just pawns.
you're forgetting that they had no choice but to go, there was a fucking draft. maybe try to think about that before shitting on them you stain.


Well-Known Member
you're forgetting that they had no choice but to go, there was a fucking draft. maybe try to think about that before shitting on them you stain.
I didn't shit on the soldiers they where just pawns I shit on the government that forced them to fight an unjustified war. Like they have done in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen etc.

I want a revolution, I want out of NATO, I want freedom and sovereignty.

You want Hillary Clinton you want more government control.


Well-Known Member
nah. i rather enjoy calling out all the racists, bigots, and otherwise retarded people we have in our forum. ostracizing dirtbags is really great fun.

well, except for the person ostracized, which would be you in this case.

You sure have an obsession with the Male genitalia, the gayness comes out of unclecuck. As a preventive measure so you don't infest our wonderful country with parasitic children. You should go see a doctor about having a gonadectomy performed on you.


Well-Known Member
You sure have an obsession with the Male genitalia, the gayness comes out of unclecuck. As a preventive measure so you don't infest our wonderful country with parasitic children. You should go see a doctor about having a gonadectomy performed on you.
so how does it feel to be a social pariah here, knowing that no one wants you on this forum, and that i did it to you?

you seem pretty bitter about it.


Well-Known Member
I Have been thinking about this all night and looking at some numbers and it actually is much more dangerous to be a cop than to be a citizen. About 50 cops a year are killed by a resident of the USA with a firearm, and there are approximately 950 thousand officers employed in the USA. There are about 390 million residents in the USA with about 1000 being killed by a cop with a firearm every year. Being a cop is exponentially more dangerous than being a citizen regardless of race. Last year 260 of the 1000 were black. The black population in the country is approximately 40 million, still with these numbers it is much more dangerous to be a cop than it is to be a black resident, and a cop is much more likely to be shot and killed than a resident of the USA is. There is a lot more information that can be looked at with different viewpoints many valid on whichever side or angle you choose to look at this. I was just going by the approximate numbers and death by firearms comparing residents to police force.
This is not in defense of the police or meant to be disparaging in any way, I just looked at the numbers to see how it would turn out to see if cops kill more people or people kill more cops and we kill more cops.
So wrong.
50 dead cops out of 950k?
Ok, now, 300+ million people in USA.
1000 of them killed a year by cops.
How many traffic stops per murder?
Let's see some better statitstical reasoning.


Well-Known Member
So if 20 blacks get arrested at a party your going to say it's only because they're black and not because maybe they were breaking the law? Quit making excuses and just get a job you won't have to worry about getting arrested


Well-Known Member
So if 20 blacks get arrested at a party your going to say it's only because they're black and not because maybe they were breaking the law? Quit making excuses and just get a job you won't have to worry about getting arrested
What did they do wrong?
Did you call the cops on them?. Stop posting those BBC wanted ads on Craigslist or at least state a time or dick limit and they won't overcrowd your living room.


Well-Known Member
So if 20 blacks get arrested at a party your going to say it's only because they're black and not because maybe they were breaking the law? Quit making excuses and just get a job you won't have to worry about getting arrested
what's your job, besides of course being horrible at growing a federally illegal schedule 1 narcotic?


Well-Known Member
when henry Louis gates acted like a doucher and got arrested.

Obamas buddy
His cries of racism started


Well-Known Member
They won't even legalize medical marijuana and you think we will get our freedom back by peaceful means?

You really are that stupid ain't you? Shit you think black people would be anywhere without that Black Panther shit? They assassinated MLK they assassinated JFK the police can either step down or protect their masters choice is clear it's us and them.

Only reason alcohol is legal is people like Al Capone. We the people need to take the power back and force change.
I agree with forcing change in some way.

The system must be shaken up.

Your soon-to-be fearless pear of the United States is reaching out to the little people to offer her pillar of strength, her lying leadership prowess in this very fragile moment.