We need to stand on our own two feet not be handed shit.
If you have Netflix find the documentary about poverty I forget the name but it shows just how bad giving people free stuff is and shows just why Haitians can't stand on their own two feet.
You give give give nobody will work work work they can farm in Haiti they can farm in Ethiopia but the farmers can not compete with the free rice nobody buys local when you get given shit for free.
These people are dependent on free shit.
You can take any subject make a documentary and deliver the message you wish so I don't buy the Haitian Ethiopian connect to 'free shit'
I live in south Florida where the Haitian community is predominant in our country they are into opportunity just like we are..go to school, have businesses like everyone else when ALLOWED the opportunity.
Human beings as a whole wish to be an engaged part of society.
Healthy, educated constituency fares better than not for so many reasons.
We cannot put a price tag or make people choose between the two or like many, no choice..both are pipe dreams when you are making minimum wage.