The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
deffo some1 with alot of knowledge of the thread could be him just dunno, only person i no off he owed too was ic3 dunno why he fucked off in the first place,

u been watching the euros what a bore carnt beleive fucking Portugal won it.
Aye who cares anyway, Billy no m8s.
Aye been watching the euros, actually felt a bit sorry for Ronaldo. What about fucking Iceland, showed them all up


Well-Known Member
some ask why the thread has quiet periods, that's because some have died untimely, others burnt out or got flesh rotting disease, others have been busted, hic
for me mate this thread just brings out the worst lol made some proper friends on here and got up most respect for many but i just wana get wrecked when im posting lol


Well-Known Member
i know one guy who always says he's the biggest cash cropper yet always posts pictures of livers under 2 lights in a walk in wardrobe. No serious cash cropper ever says he is a cash cropper.


Well-Known Member
for me mate this thread just brings out the worst lol made some proper friends on here and got up most respect for many but i just wana get wrecked when im posting lol
I've only been posting on this thread for a few weeks and I've got wrecked a few times lol
But I'm on nights now ffs so that a thing of the past.
I might have an appointment with the vending machine this Saturday though lol


Well-Known Member
I've only been posting on this thread for a few weeks and I've got wrecked a few times lol
But I'm on nights now ffs so that a thing of the past.
I might have an appointment with the vending machine this Saturday though lol
im a gram of proper and half bottle of vods down already, hence me posting and hence why i try stay away nowdays lol


Well-Known Member
i know one guy who always says he's the biggest cash cropper yet always posts pictures of livers under 2 lights in a walk in wardrobe. No serious cash cropper ever says he is a cash cropper.
you dont have to have a factory to be a cash cropper? i was at it yrs n yrs and always sold 95% of me yield yet never run more than 4 lights....


Well-Known Member
im a gram of proper and half bottle of vods down already, hence me posting and hence why i try stay away nowdays lol
One night I blasted through a load of silver bars and big square blue facebooks and loads of Valium and carried on through the next day and a night out at a gastro pub with the inlaws lol
There was a massive vending machine in my front room for quite a while and people sitting next to me whispering then I had great big dinosaur hands and when my mrs got up at seven I told her "it's not my fault the pizza is late" and shook her head and told me to go to bed which I did but I'd just dropped another bar and a load of Valium. I passed out for an hour then woke up like a boss eyed moron and just carried on lol


Well-Known Member
you dont have to have a factory to be a cash cropper? i was at it yrs n yrs and always sold 95% of me yield yet never run more than 4 lights....
Yeah i suppose you are right. Thing is I've known some serious cash croppers and not one of them would ever call themselves that. Its a bit of a pretentious title to impress hobby growers.