New Member

Ok so this is my very first grow.....
I have 9 plants and just want to make sure every thing is going well although I think I might have a few issues. I am growing out doors.
I read somewhere that bloodmeal helps with the N problem but, all I was able to find was jobes bloodmeal which should be mixed in with the soil can I dilute it in water and add it in with the grow more? If so how much and how often?
And could use some advise..
I got two sour diesels from a guy they were alread about two feet yet appeared stunted one looks to be doing ok as for the other one I'm not so sure the leaves are very small and very few. Also the tips keep turning brown and crunchy.
Next I have the white Widow
The leaves are bushy and mostly green although I am having the same issue with the tips as well there are yellowing leaves both old and new.
And one of the others has a few leaves that have tiny brown spots and brown edges that look as if they were eaten and burned.
And one of my babies looks to have some sort of bugs eatting at the leaves there are tiny blackish dots on some of the leaves almost like freckles.
Last but not least are my small ladies they are just simply small.
Soil: patio plus
15 gallon pots
Premium outdoor potting mix
I am using grow more 20-20-20 as fertilizer 5 cups per 30 gallons of water twice a week
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