
Can someone diagnose my baby? It looks like she has nitrogen and maybe calcium deficiency but at the same time looks like she has nitrogen toxicity? Is that the case? If so is this normal and will she make it? What should i do? Any other noticable problems with this plant?



Well-Known Member
do you have a ph meter? looks like multiple problems probably due to ph being off and overwatering
I concur.

PH, over water, too much P locking out N

Multiple problems.
Can someone diagnose my baby? It looks like she has nitrogen and maybe calcium deficiency but at the same time looks like she has nitrogen toxicity? Is that the case? If so is this normal and will she make it? What should i do? Any other noticable problems with this plant?
We need to know what soil or medium, what kind of water and how much you water, what nutes And how much.
Its a mother ive taken a few sets of clones off of already. Its in miracle burn soil which i ussually only use for mothers. The soil seems to dry out nearly everyday and so i do water it that much. When a lot of her leaves started turning yellow and her stems purple i added clonex clone solution a little less than a cap full per two gallons of water which i did about once every few days.


Well-Known Member
Its very possible it could be a pathogen in the roots or soil or even maybe the water. I have an issue and some of my best moms totally lost their vigor. and died and some are forever weaken trichoderma in a soil drench to help kill pythium a root pathogen and aid as anti fungal for other issues.Also a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in your water but just a tiny bit per gal so not to kill the good beneficial Mycorrhizal. and there is several species of fusarium and pithium that can cause Vascular Wilt and change the plants quality for life ruining Mothers if not treated quickly and accurately. I hear so many NEW BEES OR MISINFORMED people giving the same advice when stunted growth yellow leaves dropping they go immediately to the same old same old Nitrogen diff or Cal/MAg diff or light isn't enough or over watering............:wall: Im so tired of these same silly answers but I know they are all just trying to help so Im not trying to bash the help just wish they would take a second to think long and hard about these issues before spitting out the obvious that usually has nothing to do with the reason for these serious issues. Im not saying Im right but I know I haven't been givin this information i just told here. I had a Post for 2weeks with pictures and only asked for veteran input but of course even after I said I had used every additive to combat those deficiency issues that Id been told wasn't a disease and yet I have never ever been told this was a possibility.