The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Livers is all over the place on the streets, it's quite common these days.

Even shitty grown you can tell it from the distinctive smell a mile off but it has to be done half right to taste the part.
yeah i hear about it online but in my home town birmingham noone has heard of it. It was cheese cheese cheese and now its all haze haze haze. People here are pretty blinkered to new flavours.


Well-Known Member
Funny you should say that as my pal has just got some basketball boots a couple of months back and I'm on the lookout for some Graphlite Hexalite in a particular colourway.

Can't beat retro.
I had a pair of them. With the pump in the tongue and heel. Think I paid 110 quid for them, mad money back then

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
And if anybody can find me a pair of Puma Disk Blaze x Trapstar edition in size 8 for a reasonable price (£100 or less) I'd be a fucking very happy bunny.


The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
fuck i member them trainers, was like fishing line in them that tightened the trainer as you wound up the disk i fucked them within a matter of weeks lol tightend too much and broke em.

Hard as fuck to get hold of they are, have to buy them online if you want nice ones.

There's only 1 shop in the whole of Leeds sell them and they only have 4 shitty plain colours.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Fuck off Abe, you were spouting that 'too much disposable income' and 'nowt like walking bare foot in soil' hill billy shite a few posts ago and now you're dropping names like Armani and Cartier? lol
Yes, city and country. like I said, we all go through phases. for years now, everything i've had has gone to real estate. priorities, unlike my inbred brother.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
didnt no they where even still made yman? thats another 90s jobby aint it?
Yep, came out about 94-95 I think.

My best pal at the time preordered a green and yellow pair from JJB's for £120 the month before they dropped.

£120 trainers at fucking 15! The flash cunts mum owned her own sadwhich shop mind. lol


Well-Known Member
I'm still gutted about having my Crombie nicked out of the cloakroom at Mezzo's on Wardour St.
The manager gave us our money back for the drinks and meal but I'd still rather have the coat which would have cost more than double the bill to replace. It was irreplaceable though because it was the one my dad gave me and he'd bought it in the seventies. Camel with a black collar.

Livers reeks even if grown very badly. I've grown it in a lot of ways and organic nutrients in soil is the best way for flavour but NFT for yield.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeh, then in 1976, the maypole dissapeared & was replaced with a truck load of cunting Veitnamease boat kids !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yep, came out about 94-95 I think.

My best pal at the time preordered a green and yellow pair from JJB's for £120 the month before they dropped.

£120 trainers at fucking 15! The flash cunts mum owned her own sadwhich shop mind. lol
yeah i had a em when they first come out, and the reebok pumps was a lucky lil fucker as kid got pretty much everything i wanted, was more from me old man who didnt live with us and as i got older see it for what it was the cunt just trying to put me mum down by buying us everything she couldnt, i wouldnt piss on the cunt if he was on fire nowdays.

and getting everything i wanted didnt do me much good am a fuck up.........


Well-Known Member
I always got what I wanted because I shoplifted. You mentioned Peacocks and they used to sell 501's and were one of the easiest shops. I took six pairs in one go out of there once. I used to flog them for a tenner a pair when I was thirteen.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
At school we were always giving people a couple of acres lol
I wonder if today's youth kick each other in the plums for a laugh.
I watch the adults still doing it. Somehow makes the inadequacies mellow for a moment. If you cry a lil from my plum kick, then you are weak. And therefore, I am not (?) lol