Fuck that shit. Soldiery was one thing. I did it for the same reason the Romans did. They used to put their youngest that came of age (like, 12, or some shit) on the front line to learn life lessons. They called these young soldiers who walked at the front "infantum." Meaning youth. Turned out, I learned a lot, but I lost a lot and I suffered a lot, too. But I think the good came with the bad. Cops, though? I dunno, man. Something doesn't sit right with me about enforcing immoral laws and policing the public. Like, contrary to popular belief, we're not over there, up in the Afghani peoples' shit. We were not looking for them, we were looking for Taliban, rallied old Mujahideen who support them, terrorist cell personnel such as guys from the Haqqani Network. I can't fathom the idea of controlling peoples' everyday lives.
We need protection, but no one needs to be invaded. So, cops should weigh what actions they take. They are not 100% bound to take action, they can decide to not sweat shit that isn't worth the paperwork.