nuggs 2016

This product is marketed under the brand “Marlboro M” and will be available for sale through Cannabis licensed outlets. Serafin Norcik, Philip Morris’ Senior Vice President for marketing said in an interview, “Our company has been high on the idea for marketing cannabis and has been monitoring the market for some time. We have finally made the decision to take the leap and support these states in their right to legalized recreational Cannabis use.”


Currently the law limits the purchase to only one pack at a time. Prices start at $89 per pack. You must be 21 years or older to purchase and must provide a photo ID. Any resale of the Philip Morris Marlboro “M” Brand Cannabis cigarettes is subject to fines and jail time according to local laws. :spew:
Hope you get that spider bite taken care of homie. Bed full of brown recluses had me fucked up a few times. Permanent scars on legs from those fucks
morning fumble, I'm laid up for a day or two. I got bit on my stump by a spyder or the same thing that bit Shanny last week. haven't been able to get my leg on for a couple days. sore as fuk too ! how's life in my fav part of the mountians?
Got damn man...sorry to hear that. I hope it heals up quick for you. Craig got bit by a cow killer ant yesterday and attacked by wasps. Wicked effers.
It is just beautiful up here! I am finally home lol