when should i put my buds in mason jars?


Well-Known Member
hello all! been a while since my last post but im back. Any way i have read over and over that the stems should snap before placing in mason jars. however i also read ONCE that this is not correct, that once the stem snaps that means your bud is dry and its too late to cure. A buddy of mine says his potna cuts his baby down and them puts them straight into mason jars..so...yeah. How dry should the buds really be? A little moist? any and everybody please, greatly appreciated! thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
I dry for 5-7 days until the stem snaps....Not cracks in two, then into mason jars for a month or two burping them occasionally. Always works well for me.


Well-Known Member
freshly cut buds into jar that is crazy
3 to 7 day of dring will do in most case


Well-Known Member
I usually put mine in jars after I know the stems snap. Once in jars I open it several times a day. I don't smoke any of it for about two-three weeks.


Active Member
I'm curing some now and it only hung for 3 days , was pretty dry and is not getting much wetter in the jars, even if its closed for over a day. drying some other stuff now that's taking longer though, i'll let you know how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
I'm curing some now and it only hung for 3 days , was pretty dry and is not getting much wetter in the jars, even if its closed for over a day. drying some other stuff now that's taking longer though, i'll let you know how it turns out.
conditions and density of bud will facter in


Well-Known Member
conditions and density of bud will facter in
Thats right weezer thanks.

Some skrawny buds are dry in 3 days some monster buds its 9 days. 7 days for drying is a good guide for nice buds.
When it snaps ya think they are dry but they are not. Try to smoke them.