

Well-Known Member
He has gotten stranger. A while back I extended a hand of peace to him - but then I got arbitrarily super-turtled. Immediately he starts in about how I have changed, I have needed a break, I have gone over to the dark forces.

It really puzzled me but I ignored it.

Now this shit. He even followed me into politics last night and commented on some of my posts. He clearly either doesn't understand irony or chose not to in order to try to make me look bad.

In a way I feel kinda bad for him. He clearly thinks so highly of himself that he feels that anybody who would dare pop his bubble is just evil. I am guessing he comes from a privileged background and was over-indulged as a child. He doesn't get out much but, when he does, tends to think that his interactions with other people are way more meaningful and deep than most others are capable of having or even comprehending.. There is usually a strong undercurrent of money with him bubbling just below the surface. When pressed, he quickly turns braggart and tries to compare the size of his wallet with others. He also equates one's wealth with one's worth. Trust fund baby? Maybe grew up in a really wealthy suburb?


Pickle Queen
No reports. .threads about members are not permitted if it's negative/ shit talking. .


Pickle Queen
Not a bad rule. This place can be a bit harsh - and not just from the users.

Ya I'm all for teasing people. .but in good humor..some people cross a very obvious line only for "likes" ..sad really. .are 20 likes gonna change ur life? No but being decent to another person will..maybe change their shitty day..most people are here to connect with others..not to feel excluded..


Well-Known Member
Ya I'm all for teasing people. .but in good humor..some people cross a very obvious line only for "likes" ..sad really. .are 20 likes gonna change ur life? No but being decent to another person will..maybe change their shitty day..most people are here to connect with others..not to feel excluding. ..
It seems like we are pretty much just representing the attitude of society at large these days.


Pickle Queen
Who deleted it?

It wasn't negative. Kind of some bullshit.

The mofo is running around calling myself and others out in new member threads.

I just want the s.o.b to provide a pic.
I did..that's why I answered darling. .I understand u dislike this person but rules are rules..