The Main-Lining Thread

My first mainline chopped in half for drying. I had a mindset to clear all growth to first ring tomato cage, and her stretch led me from there. I learned a lot, will apply better practices next time, but wow I like this..
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Looking great bro!
I've noticed from this thread (yup I've read every last page) that people trim farrrr too much off the bottoms of their manifolds !
I think you could have easily got away with it much further below your ring. crops looking awesome tho :)
Looks awesome!!!
Care to share your lessons learned? I just began my mainlining. View attachment 3736169
Except I'm leaving all fan leaves be. No reason not to

I was using a large diameter tomato cage and wasted too much vertical by "shooting for 1st ring" on both veg and growth nodes. With COB I'll be able to get closer than the ~28" distance Mars LED required. So different lights, less wasted vertical, and keep tomato cage installed! I removed it thinking branches would never get that heavy under LED. They did and I had to use yo-yos when top ring tomato of cage would have worked like a charm. I think keeping under canopy clear of larf helps bigtime. I'll probably not exceed a 7 gal pot size either, 10gal was a heavy beast after watering. I may try four 5 gal mainlines next, focusing on tighter, narrower growth. Cheers yours looks great so far!
I was using a large diameter tomato cage and wasted too much vertical by "shooting for 1st ring" on both veg and growth nodes. With COB I'll be able to get closer than the ~28" distance Mars LED required. So different lights, less wasted vertical, and keep tomato cage installed! I removed it thinking branches would never get that heavy under LED. They did and I had to use yo-yos when top ring tomato of cage would have worked like a charm. I think keeping under canopy clear of larf helps bigtime. I'll probably not exceed a 7 gal pot size either, 10gal was a heavy beast after watering. I may try four 5 gal mainlines next, focusing on tighter, narrower growth. Cheers yours looks great so far!
Thanks for your info. This should be awesome
The 8 tops are even. I removed the inner leaves to get more light to the new tops and to make it easier to train. Mostly the latter. I'll probably pull the other 4 fans tomorrow because they are getting in the way of pulling the branches around and they are so close the the coco it's making it difficult to water evenly.

She's resting now, but I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Anybody mainlined I'm DWC I'm interested in trying and am starting to try and design a good support ring that attaches to the buckets lid. Looking for any info or suggestions. Thanks
My last run was mainlined in DWC.
Awesome how did you support it as it started getting bigger and then budding. I'm hoping I can use these yoyo hangers I've been using and maybe try to fabricate a support ring to bucket lid. Also any suggestions or issues you came across is love to hear. Thanks
Thanks for the tip. Do you run an RDWC? I'm wondering cuz I'm thinking it might be hard to have bucket inside that cage when I go to do my weekly bucket clean and refill. I'm thinking about attaching a rig to the lid so when I need to do Res change I can lift whole thing off as mine piece.
I just removed the soft ties that I used to attatch the plant to the cage, the cage opens, slide out, slide in and reattatch soft ties. I was running dwc buckets, no reservoir.