Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Hey ya'll, got a couple quick questions.

I have a LA Chocolat at 12F in a 15 gallon rols fabric pot in essentially coots mix on the 3rd round. I mostly top dress infrequently, give it aloe, coconut, and sone dandelion fpj but not other feeding really. Malted barley on top every 2 weeks as well.

Anyways the LA is looking pretty limey and almost yellow in some spots. I want to hit it with an N boost before it gets much worse. My question is.. should I get some Neptune's hydrolyzed fish fert or just top dress with some homemade ewc from my buddy? or do both? Any long term downsides to the fish hydrolysate? I'm worried the ewc won't act fast enough. Thoughts?
Hey ya'll, got a couple quick questions.

I have a LA Chocolat at 12F in a 15 gallon rols fabric pot in essentially coots mix on the 3rd round. I mostly top dress infrequently, give it aloe, coconut, and sone dandelion fpj but not other feeding really. Malted barley on top every 2 weeks as well.

Anyways the LA is looking pretty limey and almost yellow in some spots. I want to hit it with an N boost before it gets much worse. My question is.. should I get some Neptune's hydrolyzed fish fert or just top dress with some homemade ewc from my buddy? or do both? Any long term downsides to the fish hydrolysate? I'm worried the ewc won't act fast enough. Thoughts?

I would top dress with a little kelp and neem seed meal mix up with worm castings and water that in with the fish hydrolysate. Another option you may want to consider would be to make a kelp/neem tea but I would still top dress as mentioned.
Do I use the comfrey root powder and do I just mix it in with all the soil or top dress?

I also seen some stuff on bio char is it needed?
Do I use the comfrey root powder and do I just mix it in with all the soil or top dress?

I also seen some stuff on bio char is it needed?

Top dress the comfrey root powder at the beginning of flower and add a inch or two of compost or worm castings with it if you can. I prefer fresh comfrey but powder will work fine.

If your going to recycle or no-till your soil then I would definitely use bio char @ 6 -8 cups per cubic foot.
Fish can stink up the room, if u were outside I'd say go for it, how far into flowering are u? I would probably ride it out or topdress and reammend heavily next round. My room is filled with early fading plants now, not going to stress it but i know to add more food next plant because my current mix is weak. I might actually have to spend a bit on fertilizer....
I just wanted to know recipes and how to apply it, amend it in the soil or make teas ?

recipe for labs, fpe, fish ferment, bims, bokashi

probiotic farmers alliance group

better version of bokashi

recipe for labs and fpe

diy gro kashi recipe
Dry Ingredient List:

  • Red Wheat 5 gallon
  • Azomite 1 cup
  • Sea+Real Salt 1 TBSP
Liquid Fermentation Ingredient List (plus 1/5 teaspoon EM Super Cera)

  • Water 2.5 Gallons (spring water or other non chlorinated, cloromine free water)
  • Black Strap Mollasses 2.5 Oz
  • Organic Beet Root Juice 2.5 Oz
  • Youngevity btt 2.0 organic 2.5 Oz (dry, but mix with your water)
  • EM-1 Microbial Innoculant 2.5 Oz
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recipe for labs, fpe, fish ferment, bims, bokashi

probiotic farmers alliance group

better version of bokashi

recipe for labs and fpe

diy gro kashi recipe
Dry Ingredient List:

  • Red Wheat 5 gallon
  • Azomite 1 cup
  • Sea+Real Salt 1 TBSP
Liquid Fermentation Ingredient List (plus 1/5 teaspoon EM Super Cera)

  • Water 2.5 Gallons (spring water or other non chlorinated, cloromine free water)
  • Black Strap Mollasses 2.5 Oz
  • Organic Beet Root Juice 2.5 Oz
  • Youngevity btt 2.0 organic 2.5 Oz (dry, but mix with your water)
  • EM-1 Microbial Innoculant 2.5 Oz
Do you think buying EM.1 is worth it?............I already make my own LAB and EM.1 works out at $30 for a quart where I am, cheapest option I could find. From what I understand, the milk part of the LAB making process isolates the lactic acid bacteria so that's all you are getting with LAB? Where as EM.1 has other microbes in it such as PNSB etc, which can't be present in LAB, can it?

Just like to know your thoughts on it, I did want to buy Gro-kashi, but that's just not an option here, so I'm gonna have to try and make my own
Do you think buying EM.1 is worth it?............I already make my own LAB and EM.1 works out at $30 for a quart where I am, cheapest option I could find. From what I understand, the milk part of the LAB making process isolates the lactic acid bacteria so that's all you are getting with LAB? Where as EM.1 has other microbes in it such as PNSB etc, which can't be present in LAB, can it?

Just like to know your thoughts on it, I did want to buy Gro-kashi, but that's just not an option here, so I'm gonna have to try and make my own

em1 has different microbes than labs. It's a proprietary blend. Making your own labs and kashi is fine. and using labs instead of em1. That's what I'm doing. I have gro kashi too. so will see if they're is a difference soon. kashi takes a month to ferment
em1 has different microbes than labs. It's a proprietary blend. Making your own labs is fine. That's what I'm doing.
The unconventional farmer is one of my favorite sources of information. I found making my own Lactobacillus serum easy and enjoyable in a strange way.
Hyroot do you have any idea what the Mammoth P folks are using in their product? Are they just selling Lab,BIM for an outrageous price?

The unconventional farmer is one of my favorite sources of information. I found making my own Lactobacillus serum easy and enjoyable in a strange way.
Hyroot do you have any idea what the Mammoth P folks are using in their product? Are they just selling Lab,BIM for an outrageous price?


I don't know buts its frigging expensive. They were giving out samples in February. but I missed out.
I don't know buts its frigging expensive. They were giving out samples in February. but I missed out.

Yes I noticed they offered samples but I do not think they were keen to send them across the pond to us humble European growers. I am wary of most new products for the cannabis enthusiasts. There seems to be a long tradition of bringing a product to market specific to our hobby at inflated prices. I must say their product does peak my interest but at those prices it would have to trim and cure my harvest to justify the financial outlay.:p


Edit* spelling/grammer
Bokashi is a very old technique

I wonder if ancient cultures had to special order EM-1...

Yeah, ancient cultures did not have the science we have today but learned everything by doing what produced the most and working with nature. I can not help but wonder that we are not so much smarter now than we think. I guess they were motivated by hunger more than profit. They viewed organic waste as a resource and understood that life is a recycling of material to build more life. "from green to gold, gold to brown the leaves they fall to feed the ground" We have been gifted an environment that provides everything we need to sustain ourselves if we just remember to stay within the boundaries of the circle of life. Everytime we as a species decide to leave the circle and promote the exploitation of these gifts we upset the natural balances. Well that is enough hippie soap box talk from me. I just seen a tree outside that looks like it needs a hug.:p

On these forums the thought of Bokashi is quickly associated with EM-1. EM-1 is a super-strong bacterial mix I guess (?), yet it won't last in the environment once you get it home. It won't re-generate well. Why is that, I wonder?

Beneficial Indigenous Microbes