My neighbor...


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Well-Known Member
He knows I smoke. Hes asked me to buy a bag few times n i just give him a bud, Ive always told him I don't sell weed.

He has a garden in his back yard n so do I. We've mentioned growing before in casual conversation but I've always said there's no way my wife would let me, she would take the kids n leave in a heart beat.

I've always played stupid and I do it well. I've known the guy for a long time. I trust him to an extent. Hes just different. His pedigree is not street like at all.

Anyways, that's what my gut was telling me. Just play stupid.

N he also asked me if he should move them out back into the yard n i told him no. Even tho they would do 100x better. I don't want the attention...

I could totally see him getting in trouble for it while I'm next door with 16 lights lol
That's the hard part of growing illegal.

Smoke a bud with a bud and they know. People are not that dumb.

Every time I break a bud out with a friend I get asked if I grew it. "No, I know a guy." "No I can't hook you up, the guy is not taking new customers."

It is what it is.

I was teaching a guy. He was like I want to grow hydro. I told him to have at it as I don't grow hydro. I grow aquaponics to filter mh fish tank. I never have to change the water.

Anyways, he does everything in the book wrong and almost killed it. I told him not to ask me about synthetic hydro.

I took him a five gallon bucket with my mix of soil. A month or two later he asked for the recipe on the soil.

I gave him a decent recipe with some measurements. Allow him to play with the mix and learn.


Well-Known Member
That's the hard part of growing illegal.

Smoke a bud with a bud and they know. People are not that dumb.

Every time I break a bud out with a friend I get asked if I grew it. "No, I know a guy." "No I can't hook you up, the guy is not taking new customers."

It is what it is.

I was teaching a guy. He was like I want to grow hydro. I told him to have at it as I don't grow hydro. I grow aquaponics to filter mh fish tank. I never have to change the water.

Anyways, he does everything in the book wrong and almost killed it. I told him not to ask me about synthetic hydro.

I took him a five gallon bucket with my mix of soil. A month or two later he asked for the recipe on the soil.

I gave him a decent recipe with some measurements. Allow him to play with the mix and learn.
You are undoubtedly a swell guy.


Well-Known Member
All your neighbor has to do is get to know his other neighbor as well as you and bingo, now a second person will most certainly know about your grow. Heck, if he's married he will throw your name via "honey, so and so does it, its really not a big deal" in a heartbeat if threatened by the dog house. Or when one of his friends or co-workers say he's an idiot for risking it, he will say "naaaah, my neighbor grows too". I say all this because he has already broken one of only 2 golden rules. Who gives a crap if you know each other. Protect your grow and sanity man, stay silent. Besides you've probably already helped a ton of newbies on this forum (such as me) already so don't feel bad if you don't help him specifically.


Well-Known Member
All your neighbor has to do is get to know his other neighbor as well as you and bingo, now a second person will most certainly know about your grow. Heck, if he's married he will throw your name via "honey, so and so does it, its really not a big deal" in a heartbeat if threatened by the dog house. Or when one of his friends or co-workers say he's an idiot for risking it, he will say "naaaah, my neighbor grows too". I say all this because he has already broken one of only 2 golden rules. Who gives a crap if you know each other. Protect your grow and sanity man, stay silent. Besides you've probably already helped a ton of newbies on this forum (such as me) already so don't feel bad if you don't help him specifically.
I generally agree but a ole timer helped me learn the ways of guerilla growing.

If we keep acting like this plant is a crime, it will be one.


Well-Known Member
personally i always help when i can..
ive given lights, tents, seeds, clones..
came over if they thought something wasnt right etc.. ive mentored 5 people in the last year.

that doesn't mean i showed my setup, told them i was pumping iron movin lottq weight.. im a "hobby grower" for personal use that happens to know a good bit.

but thats how ive always been. if a neighbor or homie ran out ill throw a sack.. if you got, freely give

its worked out extremely well so far.
i even got raided once, no time because my homie took the charges. loyalty and respect bought simply by my attitude

a relationship is only as deep as you allow

but what do i know

also this thread is lame...
not even mildly entertaining


Well-Known Member
I generally agree but a ole timer helped me learn the ways of guerilla growing.

If we keep acting like this plant is a crime, it will be one.
Was he your neighbor? A neighbor will always know when you're not home. I had a mentor that trusted me so I know what your talking about. I also had some neighbors break into my house looking for bud. Visiting other peoples grow rooms is never a good idea, it's too easy to transfer bugs and pathogens. If you tell one person expect five others to know about it.


Well-Known Member
Today my neighbor took me into his house, he was very excited. He led me into his basement and started to show me his plants, about six plants all stunted and over watered with burn and wilting. He was so excited to tell me about what he was doing. He said "that's the purp, see the stems are purple". I wanted to laugh. Hes flowering under a single bulb t8 and miracle grow.

This guy has no clue there's a 16,000 watt garden literally 15 feet away from him. My rooms sealed tight. You can get a good smell in the house during harvest tho which I'm trying to fix but anyways...

My instincts tell me to stay far away from the guy. You know. Smell tell and sell. But then there's a part of me that thinks I should throw him an old tent, fan and light n show him what it is. Not like I would talk him into putting in 16 lights... Even tho it would be a great idea lol... But for real. I wanna stay away n then again I wanna help him out. I would never tell anyone I grow, but should i give him some old equip or at least pointers?

He had a plant hanging that should of been several ounces for its size. It was more like several grams, he has big plants in half gallon pots, its so sad

Wish I got a pic lol
If your legal help him. But keep everyone on a need to know basis. I just act like a normal person myself and don't think I'm any different than anyone else and I think it's saved me a lot. I'm friendly too and helpful but stern at times too. It's always best though to not shit in your own nest. For example my neighbor begs me to sleep with her, she's asked me many times but I know it's better to keep it professional close to where you eat and sleep so I just tell her I have a girlfriend already back home. She sees me with enough women that she let it go and were cool too. She watches my house even for me when I'm gone though I have cameras motion sensors and mastiffs


Well-Known Member
personally i always help when i can..
ive given lights, tents, seeds, clones..
came over if they thought something wasnt right etc.. ive mentored 5 people in the last year.

that doesn't mean i showed my setup, told them i was pumping iron movin lottq weight.. im a "hobby grower" for personal use that happens to know a good bit.

but thats how ive always been. if a neighbor or homie ran out ill throw a sack.. if you got, freely give

its worked out extremely well so far.
i even got raided once, no time because my homie took the charges. loyalty and respect bought simply by my attitude

a relationship is only as deep as you allow

but what do i know

also this thread is lame...
not even mildly entertaining
You sound like a great friend letting your buddy take the charges like that. Sorry man I couldn't resist.


Well-Known Member
You sound like a great friend letting your buddy take the charges like that. Sorry man I couldn't resist.
he was below, thats the order. great dude..really sad, 40 yrs without opportunity of parole bail set 550,000

i didnt tell him to, but did expect.. .my heart goes out for his family. but they will be taken care of


Well-Known Member
he was below, thats the order. great dude..really sad, 40 yrs without opportunity of parole bail set 550,000

i didnt tell him to, but did expect.. .my heart goes out for his family. but they will be taken care of
That's fucked!!!