

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm...fishing for compliments...well, IMHO I think you know how great it looks but want others to see how great it is as well. That is pretty cool actually and something we all do from time to time and what better place to do it than on RIU? 100's of folks will look at those pics and say to themselves...wow that looks pretty good. How cool is that??? :bigjoint::peace:


It's made from bud , and I agree about there being too much plant matter in it , I need to get a silk screen, just wanted some opinions


Well-Known Member
How exactly did you make this?

also if u want i bet you could squish that stuff and get some pretty decent rosin


Well-Known Member
no offense. I wouldn't smoke that. you can see all the plant material in there. You were far too rough on the material. The secret ro high quality hash is to be gentle and be in a cold environment. Properly dry your hash completely at the same temps.

I highly suggest pressing it into rosin

my hash




Well-Known Member
Do you have any nylon socks or panty hose? They make great sifters for the next time you're trying to make some of your own hash. Deffo looks pretty green but it may yet get you high. How is that?


Well-Known Member
drying process. icewax wax after microplaning (grating ) the half dry frozen hash patty. You do that to create a larger surface area so each trichome head dries at the same rate. You want the hash to be100% dry before curing.

You want zero plant matter in it. keeping the room below 65 degrees, the humidity below 35%, and using RO water and ice will prevent the trichomes from oxidizing. It will keep them looking white.

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