Reef Tanks to Reefer

do you have a reef tank and a grow?

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Too embarrassed to show the current saltwater tank, but here is my freshwater. 2 of the only plant the pleco wont devour. Even with all his algae wafers and zucchini slices. Pig. Goldfish was a carnival prize, and SOB wont stop growing. Funny thing, once the timer clicks the lights off, the cichlid and goldfish go NUTS on the minnows, 3 dozen a week easily get eaten. Only the big females survive, never see babies though.


Yes it is a real gator skull, some one poached one many camping trips ago and only took the tail. It was a few days decomposed. Fought tooth and nail with a hand saw against flies, maggots, ants and mosquitos for it.
Yes it is a real gator skull, some one poached one many camping trips ago and only took the tail. It was a few days decomposed. Fought tooth and nail with a hand saw against flies, maggots, ants and mosquitos for it.

That's badass, would kill to have that in my cichlid tank :clap:
I miss my reef tank. It was such a beautiful money pit. If I ever had another tank, I would do a tropheus chiclid tank.
Here are a few..


This one is my current set up simple and don't need to do shit.


This one needed to be cleaned


Lil guy I think it's only 3 gallons lol
Used to have a tank with corals and mantis shrimp and a tang and some other random drive me crazy sheet. Had a little shark in there but that got old fast.