Undercover cops


Well-Known Member
get the fuck outta here?

o word?

small world shawdy
ain't it always.

that's why i gotta get away from home for school, how creepy would it be to see your parents at the market while you're picking up a handle for that weekend?


Well-Known Member
most of the cops you see are all the losers that got picked on in highschool, and when they are busting you, in there mind they are thinking "fucking jocks, give me a wedgie again i dare you, yah i have a gun now respect my authority"


Well-Known Member

Are you all being stupid or something?

What happens at college parties?

Yeah no one gives a damn about the alcohol.
But at any college party you go to, there will always be a few dealers frittering about selling there shit.

It's a reasonable thing that the cops are doing.
Killing two birds with one stone.

Stopping underage drinking, and jailing a few dealers which could take them months to find otherwise. (The drug dealers i mean)

Sure it's not good for you lot.
And yeah there are a lot of "bad" cops out there.

But they are doing a job and have a family to feed and a roof to keep over their heads.

Just my input. :)


Well-Known Member
cops dont do that around here, I think last time they had that happen they beat the hell out of the cop before backup arrived.


Well-Known Member
There is a long term solution and a short term solution here. Only allow people you know at parties, if you see someone you don't know ask them who they are with, and then just like cops do CONFIRM that. If they are not there with anyone then kick them out.

The long term solution is political, talk to the chief of police, explain to him how resources are going to waste when violent criminals are on the loose. If he shrugs it off and calls you a stupid pot head, go to the media.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
you either A) legalize drugs and let people find out for themselves what drugs are all about or B) make drugs illegal and which causes problems that are beyond mentionable

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
btw, cops go after the bullshit because it is 10x easier to spot bullshit. You gotta think about probability and the crime. what are the chances of an underage drinking party happening in some town on a friday night after a football game??? 8/10?? what are the chacnes that a girl gets rapped in the same town that same night?? 3.5/10??? IDK this is just a notion. What are the chances a cop witnesses a 50 pound marijuana drug deal?? slim as a toothpick...people sell weight inside houses...secluded from people and cameras...you really cant blame "cops" ... shit i like the fact that we have cops, i dont want some scum bag rapping my daughter thinking he can get away with it. its our govt that you dont like, not cops...we need order or we would be a bunch of barbarians.


Well-Known Member
if cops only went after real crimes then there would only be a need for about 10% of the cops, lawyers, judges, and prisons, but because we all want someone else to look after the politics for us we end up with the worst dirtbags scums running the place. but cheer up cause its only going to get worse


Well-Known Member
but I'm saying that there is enough crime in the area to where cops wouldn't need an easy bust at a part


Well-Known Member
only because they made all the fun stuff illegal and turned it into big $$$ industrys. if all the drugs were legal and the prostitution there would be very little to do. it was not that long ago that there were no substance laws like there are today


Well-Known Member
Make them earn their money, and blow the fuck outta there! Cops yell freeze, and I'm outro! Fuck waiting around to get ticketed or cuffed...


Well-Known Member
the undercovers around here usually lookin for coke / crack... only time i hear bout herb busts are big ops