A man you can bait with a tweet" can't be trusted "with ...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The entire premise of anyone being "trusted" to run others lives using forcible means is a condemnation of logic and peace.


D. None of the above


Well-Known Member
Although I can`t be trusted with his daughter,....I can`t figure out why you think he will have say so over actual launch of Nukes. It takes several leaders` approval to throw a HOT in anger,...not just one that says do it.

DNC dribble has you hooked.
Ovrrall point that he is a thin skinned, insecure, narcissist, twitter queen still stands

Once upon a time, iverson , dr.j, Barkley, malone, etc dribbled in philly. The laughable, my lil dictator drivel however was in Cleveland.


Well-Known Member
Well Buck, when I look at Testiclees name and avatar it doesnt leave me thinking of puffies and cleanly shaved vag.

I'm not gonna touch your ava.:spew:
studies show that homophobes like you are simply harboring latent homosexual desires. just get it over with already and go suck some dick.