Is this powder mildew?


Active Member
Im pretty sure this is powder mildew but it could be bird shit? I wiped it off with a wet paper towel yesterday and it's there again today. This is an autoflower 8 weeks old thats been on my back deck with 7 hours of direct sunlight a day in a 3 gallon pot, been giving fox farm nutes.
If it is powder mildew, whats the best product to wash it off. Should I cut those leaves off? I have 9 autos going and it's only on that one cola on 2 or 3 leaves. At first I thought it was bird shit but since it came back I'm wondering. It hasn't rained in days so I don't know where the moisture is coming from
I have azamax, will that work against a small amount of powder mildew?
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Active Member
Just went to the hydro store and picked up GreenCure Fungicide "For organic gardening"
Anybody use this? Hope I didn't buy an expensive can of baking soda

Should I cut the infected leaves off? It'll make that cola weak but its a small lower branch anyways
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Well-Known Member
From looking at your plant, this could be a tough diagnoses, so lets start here :
Is there anyone living in the household that could be sneaking out on the back deck to jerk off on the plant ?


Active Member
Do I need to spray the whole plant? And the other plants? That would be fucked. Im hoping I can just spray the infected branch and get away with that


Well-Known Member
Had this problem outdoor last year. I used Greencure and it did clear up the PM for a short time (didn't stop coming back) - also burned the pistils bad. Seemed fairly rough on them. I sprayed everything, top and bottom of leaf and from the dirt to the top. Don't have anything to compare that to though, its all I ever tried - and I don't have a lot of experience with growing in general. I hope I never get it indoor! Pain for sure. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Kinda does looks like bird shit, but if it's back either the bird is trolling you or it's mildew.

Wipe it off, get some sm90, spray it on.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Ok she's awake lol.
1 gallon water
1 cup 2% milk (what we have)
One TBS baking soda
One TSP joy dish soap (again what we had)
Spray the hell out of everything :).
NOTE: This was used in zucchini not pot :).
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Also it comes with high heat, high humidity with not much rain. The rain washes off the spores so perhaps foiler spraying using garden hose helps if you can.


Well-Known Member
Ok she's awake lol.
1 gallon water
1 cup 2% milk (what we have)
One TBS baking soda
One TSP joy dish soap (again what we had)
Spray the hell out of everything :).
NOTE: This was used in zucchini not pot :).
I use something similar but use the veg oil instead of milk.
The baking soda drives the pH up really high which the PM hates, but does not hurt the pot plant...and the soap disinfects
I heard the veg oil makes the baking soda & dish soap to stick to the plants longer.
  • 1 gallon of water
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (I use olive oil because that's what I have)
  • 1 tablespoon of dish washing liquid (Sunlight antibacterial...also because what I have)

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I use something similar but use the veg oil instead of milk.
The baking soda drives the pH up really high which the PM hates, but does not hurt the pot plant...and the soap disinfects
I heard the veg oil makes the baking soda & dish soap to stick to the plants longer.
  • 1 gallon of water
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (I use olive oil because that's what I have)
  • 1 tablespoon of dish washing liquid (Sunlight antibacterial...also because what I have)
Yup, oil, soap, both wetting agents use to ensure coverage so water doesn't bead up :)


Active Member
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I sprayed with that greencure stuff at a rate of 1 tbs per gallon, covered just that entire branch. This morning some of the white stuff is still there, but not as much. I think I'm gonna set up a fan on a 30 minute timer pointing on that one to help keep it dry. It's next to some reed fencing I put up on the deck to block view so it might not be getting enough airflow. The plant is doing great though, it's my 2nd grow and 1st grow of autos and they are getting huge. Strain is Chemdogging from mephisto genetics. I have some other auto strains going to but those ones are staying smaller. AND I had 6 regular photos going but 3 so far have shown male balls and a couple others are looking like males.