Just Topped, did I fuck it up lol

just topped my 6 week old plant and when I did I kinda snipped one of the fan leaves and now it's dangling holding on by just a little bit lol, will it morph back together? I hate making my plants look stupid


Well-Known Member
Bruh I know how to top, I just accidentally snipped that leaf and got irritated cuz it's gonna look stupid now lol
You asked if you fucked up and I gave you a guide for proper topping to ensure no future fuck ups.

If you knew how to top then why are you asking questions to begin with? How did you manage to snip the leaf? I top using just my fingers and they are short shit bumbling sausages.
It'll be fine come flower. Wouldnt worry too much at this stage.

Even if you lose that fan leaf it wont be anything to seriously fret.